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整个城市弥漫在污染的浓雾之中。The city was overhung with the pollutant smog.

可吸入颗粒物对人的影响要大于其他任何污染物。PM affects more people than any other pollutant.

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酚类是主要的危害健康污染物。Phenols is the primary pollutant for the human health.

木素是制浆废水中主要的、具代表性的污染物。Lingnin is the major pollutant in the pulp waste water.

差不多7吨的氨气排放,而氨气是一种主要的空气污染物。Almost 7 tons of ammonia emissions, a major air pollutant.

铅仍为西安市蔬菜中的主要污染元素。The major pollutant element is Pb in vegetables of Xian city.

对于顽固性污染源的清理来说,这真是一个好消息。That’s good news in the effort to mop up a persistant pollutant.

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其所排放的主要污染物是扬尘。The main pollutant emitted from open sources is resuspended dust.

养猪场废水是农业重大污染源。Piggery wastewater is a significant agricultural pollutant resources.

零支付——没有排放目标污染物是被许可的。Zero-discharge----No emissions of the targeted pollutant are allowed.

在露天矿内,爆破产生的毒气体形成的污染源是连续点源。In the open-pit, the pollutant of blasting gas is continuous point source.

造纸业是造成水污染的重要污染源之一。Papermaking industry pollution is one of the pollutant of water pollution.

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相反,燃烧轮胎会产生有害的污染物,二氧化硫。Burning a tyre, by contrast, produces sulphur dioxide, a noxious pollutant.

用活化分析法快速测定各种污染物质的含量。The amount of pollutant is rapidly determined by activation analysis method.

电场可助于降低火焰中烟尘的形成以及污染物的排放。Electric fields can help reduce soot formation and pollutant emissions from flames.

但其污染物的排出量却与这两个城市的总量相当。But its pollutant eject the quantity are equal with these two total amounts of city.

重金属是城市生活垃圾焚烧处理产生的一类重要二次污染物。Heavy metal is a secondary pollutant from municipal solid waste incineration system.

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监测显示,独木水库中的主要污染物为锰。The main pollutant in Dumu reservoir is manganese by environmental monitoring results.

这是研究人员首次发现污染物会改变动物的性取向。It's the first time a pollutant has been found to change an animal's sexual preference.

2007年美国最高法院的一项裁决规定EPA把温室气体当做污染物。A 2007 U.S. Supreme Court ruling mandated the EPA consider greenhouse gases a pollutant.