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这是部出租汽车。This car is rental.

礼服出租店。The tuxedo rental store.

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你们提供什么样的租赁期呢?What rental do you offer?

汽车租赁代码表。Costa Calma Budget Car Rental.

他以租来的车为家。He makes rental CARS his home.

你租着房子住。You live in a rental property.

你的月租费是多少?How much is the monthly rental?

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租金是一个月1500令吉。The rental is RM1500 per month.

搬家卡车出租沃斯堡。Transfer Truck Rental Fort Worth.

自行车出租店在哪里?Where is the bicycle rental shop?

每个月,您支付租赁费。Each month, you pay the rental fee.

房产租售代理!House property rental agency! ! ! ! !

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麻烦你帮我租一架车。Could you arrange a car rental for me?

方将不支付任何保证金、租金或磨损费用。Caution money , rental or cost of wear.

屋主直接出租,无中介费!Direct rental from owner, no agent fee!

住租赁组屋2房式或更小。Stay in 2-room rental flat, or smaller.

北京豪华房出租价格可能会上调。High-end rental rates likely to increase.

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东京巨蛋的租用费要多少钱?。How much is the rental fee of TOKYO DOME?

客户提货,出租开始。The customer shows up to start the rental.

她这房子年租金是二千四百元。The yearly rental of her house is2400yuan.