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我提名比尔为俱乐部主席候选人。I nominate Bill as the club president.

他们任命李先生为科长。They nominate Mr.Li head of the section.

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本人引荐她代表本人们列席会议。I nominate her to present us at the meeting.

荣获中国摄影艺术最高奖——第四届金像奖提名奖。Win the nominate of fourth golden figure award.

内贾德将任命一个新的反对党领袖。Ahmedinejad will nominate a new opposition leader.

我想提名简为俱乐部主席。I wish to nominate Jane for president of the club.

别担心,我还负得起那么低廉的租金。Don't worry, I can still afford that nominate rent.

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5月,我决定提名布雷耶法官。In May, I made the decision to nominate Judge Breyer.

学生名单通常由当地的富布莱特法案基金委员会提名。Local Fulbright committees generally nominate the students.

非财务成员可以提名或者参选吗?Can non-financial members nominate others or stand for election?

许多共和党人想提名前总统尤利塞斯.格兰特为总统候选人。Many Republicans wanted to nominate former President Ulysses Grant.

公众将可以推荐诸如英帝国勋章之类的奖项的候选人。The public will be able to nominate candidates for awards such as the MBE.

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选民将从75名代表里面选出50人,其余的代表由埃米尔任命。Voters will choose 50 of the 75 deputies. The Emir will nominate the rest.

注明由非澳洲银行支付的汇票将被退回要求更换。Drafts which nominate non-Australian banks will be returned for replacement.

下面是更为详细的说明,请为您喜爱的工具投上一票。Keep reading for more details and to nominate the note-taking tool you love best.

如果她们受到暴力挟制,她们或许不敢指认孩子的父亲。If they are being subjected to violence, they may be afraid to nominate the father.

候选人不能提名其本人。过去的获奖者不能够再被提名。No candidate may nominate himself or herself. Past recipients cannot be re-nominated.

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坚持不提名他竞逐最佳教练的荣衔。However, it stands by its decision not to nominate him for the Coach of the Year award.

诚然,奥巴马不能指望共和党人会选出一个铁定会输的人做总统候选人。To be sure, Obama can't count on the Republicans to nominate someone who's unelectable.

在亚特兰大召开民主党全国代表大会的两三个星期之前,杜卡基斯克请我提名他为总统候选人。A couple of weeks before our convention opened in Atlanta, Mike asked me to nominate him.