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那是太牵强的平等。That is an equality too far.

公平的机会均等。Fair equality of opportunity.

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第三,平等观。Third, a concept of equality.

这就是等于号。This is the equality operator.

将Procs用于Case相等性测试Procs for Case Equality Testing

定义相等关系。Define the equality relationship.

均平作为乐捐的一个动力Equality as a Motivation in Giving

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我们能实现平等与公正。Yes wecan to justice and equality.

总得平等的对待问题的双方。The larger issue is one of equality.

是的,我们能达成正义和平等!Yes we can to justice and equality.

问题在于对基本的人的平等的认识上。It's the idea of basic human equality.

容器的键值等同性谓词。The container's key equality predicate.

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我们反对国家强制的平等。We object to a state-enforced equality.

真正蹬种族平等似忽仍遥遥无欺。Genuine racial equality still seems away.

以平等权、自由权案例为中心。Focus on the cases of equality and freedom.

他们不要一律平等和严密的组织。They don't want equality and regimentation.

但是这是什么意思呢?The first thing is testing shallow equality.

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返回容器的键类型的等同性函数。Returns the container's key equality function.

从精神上讲,我们肯定是平等的。Spiritually, absolutely, we all have equality.

我们是在平等的基础上进行贸易。We make business on the foundation of equality.