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建立功能表。Create a menu.

图形菜单。Graphics Menu.

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托盘菜单重新建造。Tray menu re-built.

一个新菜单会打开。A new menu should open.

激活这个弹出式菜单。Activate the pop-up menu.

我这儿有一份当时的推荐食谱Here's the proposed menu.

我能把菜单收掉吗?May I take the menu away?

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你的减肥餐是什么呢?What's on your diet menu?

自定义开始菜单。Self-organizing start menu.

把位图图象加到菜单里。Add bitmap images to a menu.

我向男服务员要菜单。I ask the waiter for a menu.

上升到平移增量菜单。Bring up the TRANS INCR menu.

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午市首天的餐牌,请多多指教!Lunch menu for the first day!

你有我们的外卖菜单的?Do you have our take-out menu?

让我来看看菜单上有什么吃的。Let me see what's on the menu.

沙龙,蜂蜜,放下手中的菜单。Ariel, honey, put down the menu.

JWS也可以安装菜单项。JWS can also install menu items.

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菜单上有什么餐后甜食?What 's on the menu for afters ?

菜单上已把鱼取消了。Fish has been taken off the menu.

让我来看看菜单上有什么吃的。So let me see what's on the menu.