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按照这个相当容易的指南可以做一个签名。A fairly easy tutorial to follow to make a sig.

船用烟火信号通用技术条件。General specifications of pyrotechnic distress sig.

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它还将用于在我们的网站,电子邮件营销和自动信号。It will also be used on our website, e-mail marketing and auto sig.

下面我们就请湘潭康美医院妇科专家为我们分析一下。Below we will please xiangtan sig hospital gynecologic experts analyse for us.

如果您还有其他疑问,可随时到湘潭康美医院官方网站在线咨询。If you have other questions, may at any time to xiangtan sig hospital officials BBS post consultation.

参照这种“体制外”改革的思路来解读思想解放运动,为我们提供了重要的启示。Referring to the ideas of extrasystem reform to explain the mind emancipation movement provides us sig.

对不起宝贝,我才收到你的短信和未接来电,我一直被堵在高速上,信号差。Sorry babe, i just got all your msg and miss calls. i was stk in the traffic. very bad sig. no need hurry.

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我没有用到这个功能,但看起来这个东东有利于在你的email对象面前展示你的文章。Ihaven't started using this feature yet, but it seems like a great wayto promote your posts in your email sig.

康表示,这项研究已进行了海德堡能源与环境研究为基础的研究所进行。SIG said the research had been carried out by the Heidelberg-based Institute for Energy and Environment Research.

而让老百姓看的起病,看的好病是康美医疗的办院宗旨和行动准则。And let people see the good disease is, look at the aim of running the sig medical treatment and operation principles.

SIG康美包现已推出了第一个森林管理委员会的果汁饮料和欧洲冰茶饮料纸盒认证。SIG Combibloc has now launched the first FSC-certified beverage cartons for fruit juice drinks and ice teas in Europe.

康美医疗一直强调生存发展于社会,回报关爱于社会。The operation cost Sig always emphasized that the survival and development in the medical society, return to the society.

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引起盆腔炎的原因很多,下面湘潭康美医院妇科专家具体为大家介绍一下。Cause pelvic inflammation for many reasons, the following xiangtan sig hospital gynecologic experts to introduce the concrete.

清管器指示器或“清管器发讯器”用来探测清管器是否通过、并启动报警装置通知操作人员。A pig indicator or "pig sig" is used to detect the passage of the pig and alert the operator by tripping a suitable warning device.

下面就跟着湘潭康美医院专业医生一起来了解一些防护霉菌xingyin道炎的方法吧!Here is a doctor who specializes in the hospital with xiangtan sig to understand together some protective mould sex vaginitis method!

首先介绍SIG的基本概念和功能,然后对现有的SIG体系结构进行了分析,指出其不足之处。Firstly, this paper introduces the concept and function of SIG, then describes the existing SIG and OGSA, and indicates the disadvantages of SIG.

在广泛分离的育种群体中验证,SIG方法可成功应用于分离世代单株全麦粉的品质筛选。Testing study also demonstrated that the method of SIG testing with whole-meal was applicable in screening quality plants in segregating populations.

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在延伸吹塑机制造商SIG科柏拉斯公司,减轻重量已经成为了一个热门话题。Bai Lasi of business SIG division is built in the outspread mechanism that blow model company of German hamburger city, reduced weight to had become a popular topic.

本文阐述了SIG的概念、关键技术和中心策略,并对当前的信息集成进行了探讨,提出了基于SIG服务的空间数据集成的基本思路。This paper presents the concept, key issues and strategy of SIG, discusses the status of data integration, and presents an approach to integrating the spatial data based on the SIG services.

探讨了学科信息门户下潜在信息需求的存在形式,论述了SIG中潜在信息需求的开发和显化。This paper probes into the existing forms of the potential information demands under the SIG, and expounds the development and explicitness of the potential information demands under the SIG.