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这位作家已经鼎鼎有名了。The writer's fame was at its zenith.

四天以后,他已经在齐尼斯号火车上了。And four days afterward he was on the Zenith train.

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唯一所祈求的胜利,仅是站在命运的巅峰,微笑。The altissima triumph is smile on the zenith of destiny.

麦克觉得自己的权力已过了顶盛期。Michael feel that he have already pass the zenith of his power.

真利时很棒,但是积家更棒,如果你明白我的意思。I guess zenith is great, but JLC is greater if you get my drift.

奥巴马毕其一生都将成为美国黑人运动成就的顶点。Obama will be the zenith of black America for as long as he lives.

这些金字塔最早建造于公元2575-2150年的Giza平原。The Age of the Pyramids reached its zenith at Giza in 2575-2150 B.C.

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积家绝对是个比真利时更好的品牌。In terms of the watches JLC is definitely a better brand than Zenith.

西南联大是中国现代教育史上的一个高峰。Southwest Combined University is a zenith of China's modern education.

此表戴上您手,至少能运转一生的时间,甚至更久。When worn, this Zenith watch will work for a life time, or even longer.

1358年击败锡耶纳之后佩鲁贾的影响力达到了顶峰。The zenith of Perugia's influence came with the defeat of Siena in 1358.

提出了一种利用天顶观测来进行星敏感器标定的新方法。A new method utilizing zenith observing to calibrate star sensor was proposed.

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一望无际的云幕蒙住了从天顶到地乎线的整个夜空。An unvaried pall of cloud muffled the whole expanse of sky from zenith to horizon.

一望无际的云幕蒙住了从天顶到地平线的整个夜空。An unwearied pall of cloud muffled the whole expanse of sky from zenith to horizon.

当磁场线位处天顶,令极光幻化成冕形,光芒扩散至四面八方。Magnetic field lines at zenith shape the corona and diverge rays in all directions.

但他紧握双手捂在胸前,抬眼眺望天顶。But he clasped both his hands over his breast, and cast his eyes towards the zenith.

唐诗在中国文学的巅峰地位已众所公认。The zenith of Tang-Dynasty poetry in Chinese literature is universally acknowledged.

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天顶跟踪盲区是地平式光电跟踪系统的固有缺陷。Photoelectric tracking system with horizontal gimbal can not track objects near zenith.

当时的蒙卡姆侯爵正是壮年,而且正处于幸运的顶峰。The marquis of montcalm was in the flower of his age, and in the zenith of his fortune.

赢得迪拜公开赛后,西班牙网球选手纳达尔居于了自己生业生涯的最巅峰。Bfter winning the Dubai Open, Spaniish tennis player Nadal is at the zenith of hellos career.