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一些韩餐真的是太他妈好吃了。Some Korean dishes are savagely good.

摩尔斯先生把头摇的像波浪鼓。Mister Morehouse shook his head savagely.

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他父亲常常看不起他,毒打他。His father had constantly belittled and savagely beaten him.

当玛德琳再也受不了的时候,她发疯般地扯住他的耳朵。When she could bear no more, Madeleine grabbed him savagely by his ears.

每年成千上万的鲸鱼被残忍捕杀。Thousands of whales continue to be savagely hunted and killed every year.

卢克·天行者指挥官在执行侦察任务时遭到万帕野蛮的攻击。Commander Luke Skywalker was savagely attacked by a wampa while on scouting duty.

亚历克斯站起身,粗暴地按了按墙上的电铃,他知道一按电铃就会来人。Getting up, Alex savagely punched a bell push on the wall, knowing it would summon help.

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两人被野蛮殴打并被分开流放到乡下劳作。Both were beaten savagely and exiled to labour camps – separately – in the countryside for years.

她用右手捧起卢修斯的头,另一只手紧紧抱着他的身体,然后激烈的亲吻着他。She held Lucius' head with her right hand, gripped his body with the other hand, and kissed him savagely.

他们的作品被禁止,他们受到了种族隔离官方发言人的猛烈攻击。Their works have been banned, or they have been savagely attacked by the official spokesmen of apartheid.

它正在用它的巨大的、恐怖的眼睛凶猛地环望四周,鲜红的信子一吞一吐。It looked around savagely with its gigantic, mesmerizing eyes, and its bright red tongue hung out, twitching.

他走来走去,用拳头野蛮地捶脑袋,仍证服不了沉重的睡意。He walked up and down, batting his head savagely with his fists, but he could not conquer the numbness of sleep.

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斑马如果受到攻击,就会疯狂地踢和猛力地咬。它们的主要天敌是狮子,狮子捕杀斑马为食。Zebras will kick and bite savagely if attacked. Their main natural enemy is the lion, which hunts them for food.

这一片土地红得耀眼,雨后更红得像鲜血一般,干旱时便成了满地的红砖粉,这是世界上最好的产棉地。It was a savagely red land, blood-colored after rains, brick dust in droughts, the best cotton land in the world.

希腊人民在过去几年自尊心被摧残的厉害,这一举措还能帮他们找回一点自尊。The Greek people could thus regain a modicum of self-respect, savagely destroyed during the last couple of years.

他从桌子上伸过手臂抓住约翰尼·丰塔纳头上的毛发,以一种动作,那是野蛮的爱。He reached over the desk and grabbed Johnny Fontane by the hair of his head in a gesture that was savagely affectionate.

在九零年代早期有一大票的国营企业倒闭,而在此类企业中的工作机会也大幅度削减。In the early 1990s huge number of state-owned enterprises were shut down and jobs in those that survived were savagely cut.

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凶猛的勇士布赖欣生了十二个儿子和二十四个女儿,他勇猛地粉碎了对王国所有的进攻。The fierce warrior brychen who sired twelve sons and twenty-four daughters and savagely put down all attacks on his kingdom.

如果民主党人士可以反映出选民将在选票上如何严厉的惩罚党的阻挠,那他们都应该支持这个建议。Anyone in the LDP who reflects on how savagely voters might punish the party's obstructionism at the polls should favour this.

经常,他正在走路的时候,强烈的饥饿感,使他痛苦难忍,于是,他就会生气地大喊大叫,猛烈地踹着纠结的灌木丛。Often as he walked, the hunger pains were so great that he would shout out in anger, kicking savagely at the tangling shrubbery.