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那两个公司刚签订了一个转包合同。The two companies made a subcontract just now.

这两个公司刚签订了一个转包合同。the two companies made a subcontract just now.

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时的,我们把所有的细木工舾装都分包出去。Y es, we subcontract almost all the joiner work.

承包商不得将整个工程完全分包出去。The Contractor shall not subcontract the whole of the Works.

贵所是否与第三方签订业务分包合同?Do you subcontract any professional services to a third party?

有这么多的舾装工作要作,你们将工程分包出去吗?There is so much outfitting work. Do you subcontract some of them?

从呼和浩特到包头转包东高速向南50公里。From the east to subcontract Hohhot baotou to 50 km south expressway.

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是的,我们将所的的细木工舾装都分包出去。这将节约我们很多的时间。Yes, we subcontract almost all the joiner work. This will save us lots of time.

他们已拿到了这座新建筑物所有电气工作的转包合同。They have beenawardthe subcontract foralltheelectrical work in the new building.

此外,对汽车产业分包契约的分析也说明了这一点。Besides, the analysis for subcontract in auto industry also illustrates this point.

优良,但是他可能转包那项服务到那些令人惊讶的旅行的推销员之一?Fine, but could he subcontract that service to one of those amazing traveling detailing men?

中产阶级倾向于雇用装修公司,后者则将工作转包给回扣最多的建筑队。The middle classes tend to hire decoration companies, which subcontract to whichever construction firm pays the best kickbacks.

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接受分包的人应当具备相应的资格条件,并不得再次分包。The persons accepting the subcontracts shall have corresponding qualifications and may not subcontract it again to other persons.

禁止总承包单位将工程分包给不具备相应资质条件的单位。The general contracting unit is prohibited to subcontract the project to units with no corresponding human quality qualifications.

转包非经尼泊尔电信的事前书面同意,供应商不得全部或部分将合同转包。Subcontracting of non-through Nepal Telecom's prior written consent of, the supplier shall not subcontract all or part of the contract.

然而思科仅有三家工厂生产用于互联网维护的设备,而将其他的工作转包给了别的公司。However, cisco only applies three plants for the production of internet-maintenance devices and subcontract other tasks to other companies.

任务,甚至那些像是核心性的任务,比如清算帐目和制造任务,都通过网络分包给承包商,他们再进一步分包出去。Tasks, even seemingly core tasks like accounting or manufacturing, are jobbed out via networks to contractors, who subcontract the tasks further.

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我公司将同劳务分包人依法签订分包合同,并按照合同条款履行义务。Our company will sign a subcontract with the labor service subcontracted personnel legally, and fulfill our obligations according to the contract terms.

卖方不得向分包商洩露秘密资料﹐不得将买方订单中所包含的工作的任何部份分包给第三方。Seller shall not disclose Confidential Information to subcontractors nor subcontract any part of the work covered by purchase orders issued by the Buyer.

日前,L3通信公司授予哈里斯公司一份为期3年、总价值达2000万美元的子合同,为美国海军陆战队的训练演习提供视频技术。Harris Corp. won a three-year subcontract worth $20 million from L3 Communications Corp. to provide video technology to the Marine Corps. for training exercises.