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那个去世的神父?The priest who died?

在利未记,他是大祭司。He's the high Priest.

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红袍僧轻笑。The red priest chuckled.

托利若斯杀了神父?Torrijos killed the priest?

当牧师是十分非常好的。Priest was a wonderful priest.

掘完井,道士就离开了。Dig a well, taoism priest left.

牧师穿着黑色衣服。The priest was garbed in black.

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他在授予圣职仪式上给新的高级牧师涂圣油使他神圣化。He anointed the new high priest.

让那身穿着白色袈裟。Let the priest in surplice white.

目前的司铎是钟宽仁神父。Our priest is Fr. Clarence Jones.

疲惫不堪的牧师喃喃地念祷词。The weary priest droned a prayer.

牧师宽恕了那个快死的人。The priest absolved the dying man.

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在利未记,他是大祭司。In Leviticus, He's the high Priest.

神甫快走了。The priest will take his departure.

他也是卢特沃斯的一名牧师。He was also a priest at Lutterworth.

忽然间神父又开步走了。Suddenly the priest resumed walking.

神父赦免了他的罪过。The priest absolved him of his sins.

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神父庄重地念了最后的祷文。The priest intoned the final prayer.

可以在无祭司的状况下行奥迹吗?。Can we have mystery without a priest?

导演派我扮演一个发了疯的神父。The director cast me as a mad priest.