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这里是我们的公布栏。Here is our bulletin board.

真的吗?什么告示板?Oh really? What bulletin board?

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他在布告板上贴了一张公告。He posted a bulletin on the board.

这是本站对卢碧的最后一次发布。This is the final bulletin on LUPIT.

这是本站对莎莉嘉的最后一次发布。This is the final bulletin on SARIKA.

你们看到课程公报了吗?You ever look in the course bulletin?

在布告板上张贴通知。Stick up a notice on a bulletin board.

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在左边的电子布告牌上。It's on the bulletin board on the left.

我从收音机里听到了那新闻公报。I caught the news bulletin on the radio.

参阅公告WPV-1,了解更多的信息。See Bulletin WPV-1 for more information.

我在告示牌上贴了一个提示语。I stuck a reminder on the bulletin board.

妙戈还说会贴出告示。Also said that will be posted on the bulletin.

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我昨天在告示板上看到你们的广告。I saw your Ad on the bulletin board yesterday.

这一消息我是从电视简明新闻中得知的。I got information from the television bulletin.

现场板也可以被当成布告板来使用。Liveboards can also be used as bulletin boards.

该研究所出版一份双周刊。The institute publishes a fortnightly bulletin.

我们旳班级新闻公告板在后面旳墙壁上。On the back wall is our class News Bulletin Board.

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这就是我们班的板报设计,希望大家喜欢。That's our Bulletin Board, and I hope you like it.

职位空缺的布告在员工宣传栏里贴出来了。The open position is posted in the bulletin board.

他把碗盘放在滴水板上。The students put up a poster on the bulletin board.