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迷幻药真的是神经毒吗?Is Ecstasy really neurotoxic?

儿童对于铅的神经毒性影响特别脆弱。Children are particularly vulnerable to the neurotoxic effects of lead.

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水银这种神经毒对发育中胎儿是特别有害的。A neurotoxic poison, mercury is especially worrisome to developing fetuses.

众所周知,工作场所的锰有神经毒素的效果。The neurotoxic effects of manganese exposure in the workplace are well known.

目的为进一步证实缺血、缺氧时神经原性NO的神经毒性作用。Objective To confirm a neurotoxic role for neuronal NO during ischemia and anoxia.

目的探讨POU域蛋白在铅的神经毒性机制中的作用。Objective To study the role of POU-domain proteins in the neurotoxic mechanism of lead.

文章就凝血酶的一般特性和其神经毒性作用作了综述。The article reviews the general characteristics of thrombin and its neurotoxic effects.

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这些数据不赞同由于对神经毒性的恐惧而不采用PCI。These data do not favor the omission of PCI on the basis of fears of neurotoxic effects.

研究即早基因在氯化甲基汞神经毒性机制中的作用。To study the role of immediate early genes in the neurotoxic mechanism of chloro methylmercury.

产生神经毒液的蛇包括树眼镜蛇和眼镜蛇,它们的毒液称为神经毒素。The makers of the nerve poison include the mambas and the cobras and their venom is called neurotoxic.

产生神经毒液的蛇包括树眼镜蛇和眼镜蛇,它们的毒液称为神经毒素。The makers of the nerve poison include the mambas and the cobras and their venom is called neurotoxic.

内源性凝血酶是一种神经毒性物质,可引起脑组织一系列的病理生理学改变。The endogenous thrombin is a kind of neurotoxic agent which causes a series of pathophysiological changes.

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实验还表明,高环境温度会造成甲基苯丙胺增强的毒性作用。It has been demonstrated that a high ambient temperature increases the neurotoxic effects of methamphetamine.

通常是在敞开的气火焰上加热,就把对神经有强烈毒害作用的元素释放到了环境当中。Typically, heating occurs over an open gas flame, releasing the potent neurotoxic element into the atmosphere.

最近的动物试验研究表明,常用的麻醉剂可能会产生严重的毒性影响脑发育。Recent animal studies have shown that commonly used anesthetic agents may have serious neurotoxic effects on the developing brain.

研究者也测量了血液中会毒害神经的金属毒物与抗氧化剂,因为这些物质也可能影响儿童发育。The investigators have also taken measurements of neurotoxic metals and antioxidants in blood, because those could also affect child development.

FDA的警告说,这种充填物“含汞,而后者可能会对发育中的儿童和胎儿的神经系统产生神经毒性作用”。The fillings "contain mercury, which may have neurotoxic effects on the nervous systems of developing children and fetuses, " reads the FDA warning.

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受试的女患者中一半的治疗方案中含有5氟尿嘧啶,该药已知具有神经毒性。另外的15名受试者使用阿霉素跟环磷酰胺治疗。Half the women received regimens containing 5-fluorouracil, which is known to have neurotoxic potential. The other 15 received doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide.

近年来,许多研究逐渐倾向于或是降低它的神经毒性或者是提高它的敏化效率两个方面。Recently, Many research has tended to concentrate on two aspects aiming either at decreasing its neurotoxic properties or increasing the sensitizing efficiency.

目的探索铝的神经毒性和职业性铝作业工人神经行为功能的年龄依赖性差异。Objective To explore the neurotoxic effects of aluminium and age dependent difference of neurobehavioral function among occupationally aluminium exposed workers.