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她是个矮胖的女人。She is a dumpy woman.

一个矮胖的书生模样的士兵说道。A soldier of dumpy scholar shape say.

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那长下巴的胖圆脸皱起了眉头。His long dumpy face wrinkled in a scowl.

滨鹬是一种矮胖的短脚涉禽。The knot is a dumpy , short-legged, wading bird.

办公室破旧不堪,而学生呢,多数资质平平。He had a dumpy office and taught mostly unimpressive students.

我瞧不起那个矮胖小子,他蜷起身子,任凭我们揍他。I despised the dumpy kid for curling up and letting us beat on him.

矮胖的书生模样的士兵赶紧掏出笔记下。The soldier of dumpy scholar shape hurriedly take out notes bottom.

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第五格大局部是水,第六格则是矮瘦子的土地。In the fifth frame there is much water, the sixth grid is of the dumpy son.

第五格大部分是水,第六格则是矮胖子的地盘。In the fifth frame there is much water, the sixth grid is of the dumpy son.

他牵着他矮胖的妻子就像牵着一根羽毛,带着她转了一圈又一圈。He lifted his dumpy wife like she was nought but a feather, and swung her round and round.

当我走出房子去工作的时候,感觉无比沮丧万分失望。So when I made it out of the house and started for work, I felt pretty dumpy and despondent.

经过几小时忙活,我们把一个没用的小屋变成了名副其实的客房了。After a few hours of work, we’d managed to turn a dumpy useless room into an actual guest room.

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你会发现现在的孕妇装绝大部分已经不再是粗短见不得人的啦。You’ll be happy to find that maternity clothes are, for the most part, no longer frumpy and dumpy.

在她心中,她认为自己是丑陋、矮胖,即使别人只是看到她美丽母性焕发。In her mind, she sees herself as ugly and dumpy , even though others just see her beautiful motherly glow.

但菲尔费克斯太太佯称这狂笑声是格雷斯·普尔发出的,她是一个相当矮胖,不讨人喜欢的仆人。Fairfax pretends that the maniacal noise was made by Grace Poole, a rather dumpy , unprepossessing servant.

史蒂维个子不高、墩墩的、官端正,说话时带有唐氏综合症的大舌头音。Stevie was short, a lillte dumpy , with the smooth facial features and thick-tongued speech of Down syndrome.

由于对橡胶的需求急速增长,象巴西马瑙斯那样的肮脏破旧的河畔小镇一夜之间就变成了热闹的商业中心。As demand for rubber soared small dumpy river towns like Manaus, Brazil, were transformed into over night into bustling centers of commerce.