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为使城市更适宜人居住和生活,建设山水园林城市成为重庆市的发展目标。For befitting human inhabitancy and living, constructing landscape city with mountains and rivers becomes Chongqing development goal.

其价值是可以帮助恢复定位辋川的原貌,以及帮助了解裴迪和王维在辋川的居住地点。This value can help restore and locate the landscape of wang chuan and help to know the inhabitancy of Pei di and Wang wei in wang chuan.

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而这种城市审美化所呈现出的美学形象就是将整个城市变成一座园林,使整座城市成为适宜人居住的“人间仙境”。Ultimately, the image that the urban's aestheticaliztion is that the whole urban turns into the garden, the paradise on earth for human's inhabitancy.

在目前国内众多的城市居住区中,其设计的许多方面都不同程度地运用了生态技术措施,表现出对生态设计思想的探索。Using eco-designed measures in distinctly degree on ways of designing among so many domestic inhabitancy zone showed exploring activity to eco-design thought.

随着经济的发展、旅游业的带动,外来文化不断冲击着本土传统的居住形式与古镇风貌。With the development of economy and drive of tourism, extraneous culture continually impacts local traditional inhabitancy style and scene of the ancient towns.

随着住房制度的改革及房地产事业的发展,我国城市居民的居住结构发生了巨大变。But with the reforming of housing system and the developing of real estate market, gigantic change happened in the inhabitancy configuration of Chinese townsmen.

而居于这个厚实的源头,道尔人更希望为门窗智能化、自动化的整体发展,为改善人文居住,工作环境做出更多的贡献。We hope do further contribute for the develop for the intelligentize , roboticized door &window , improve the inhabitancy for people and the employment circumstance.

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生物燃料、居住环境、职业暴露、儿童时期呼吸疾病史及家庭呼吸病史与COPD患病未显示明确的关系。Biomass fuels, inhabitancy condition, exposures to respirable particulate matter in work site and childhood respiratory diseases were not related with the prevalence of COPD.

居住是人类的基本需求之一,住房作为人民生活的基本消费资料,是实现安居乐业、社会稳定和促进经济发展的重要条件。Inhabitancy is the essential requirement for people. As the essential consumption, housing is an important factor to make our lives happy, keep society steady and boost economy.

居住是人类的基本需求之一,住房作为人民生活的基本消费资料,是实现安居乐业、社会稳定和促进经济发展的重要条件。Inhabitancy is the essential requirement for people. House as the essential consumption is an important factor to make our life happy, keep society steady and promote the economy sustaining.

其设计方案重点体现了尊重自然与生态,同时还为丰富这里的人居环境提供了旅游居家,休闲两相宜的元素。The emphasis of the plan embodies the respect to the nature and the biological environment and it also integrates the elements of tourism, living environment and leisure to improve human inhabitancy.