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专制国家本质上等于固定下来的匪帮。In nature autarchy is the fixed stationary bandit.

专制下的绝对服从,导致社会责任感下降。The absolute obedience under the autarchy reduces the sense of responsibility.

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它具有开明专制的面相和民主的底色,是一张介于古典与现代之间的立宪“药方”。It was looked as enlightened autarchy on the surface, but in fact it had democratic grounding.

在放弃了毛时代的传统的计划经济后,中国成了贸易大国。By abandoning the economic autarchy of the Maoist period, it has become a major trading nation.

这种现象,如在专制社会要扭转是有难度的,如在民主社会要扭转是有机会的。Such phenomenon, is difficult to transfer in an autarchy society, but has chances in a democratic society.

1977年政变后,塞舌尔既定的英国式民主政治逐步被社会主义集权政治所取代。After the coup d'etat of 1977, the democratic politics of Seychelles was substituted by socialist autarchy.

中华帝国法律的人治、专制统治,就成为中华法系的最为主要精神。Thus, the rule of men and autarchy in Chinese kingdom finally become the core of main spirits in Chinese law.

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专制」含义的稳定性,与封建专制制度的长期性、稳定性是相一致的。The stability of autarchy , is in accordance with the long-standing and stability of feudalism autarchy system.

不过,“法治国家”思想的发展在某种程度上防止了“有机国家”向绝对主义国家的回归。However, the development of the idea of rule of law in some extent prevented the regression from "organic state" to autarchy.

不过,“法治国家”思想的发展在某种程度上防止了“有机国家”向绝对主义国家的回归。However, the development of the idea of role of law in some extent prevented the regression from " organic state" to autarchy.

跨越漫长的历史时代,两位不同国度的女作家的“自我言说”显示了女性突破男权之路的曲折和艰难。Through a long history times, the"self-speech"of two authoresses shows it's difficult that feminine break through man autarchy.

这新的哲学命题中实际上蕴涵着对民生的关注和对专制政体的批判。The new philosophical proposition implied concern on the people's livelihood and animadverting on the political system of autarchy.

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只有贝多芬,他不但愤怒地反对封建制度的专制,而且用他的音乐号召人们为自由和幸福而斗争。Only Beethoven's, he not only revolted the autarchy feudalism, but also used his music to summon people to fight for freedom and happiness.

按照传统观念,明初皇权的强化以及对士人的严厉打压,是导致隐逸风尚盛行的根本原因。In traditional views, the main reason for the reclusive fashion in the elites was due to the autarchy of the first emperor in the Ming Dynasty.

在当今学术界,许多学者对五四文化保守主义持批判的态度,认定其是为封建复古主义和专制文化服务的。Nowadays many scholars think that the may4th culture conservatism serves for the idea of feudalism returning of the ancients and autarchy culture.

在世俗化汹涌的浪潮中,“小女人散文”以一种貌似传统的方式直接书写自己的生活追求,从而间接解构了宏大叙事的思想文化专制。In the strong tide of secularism, the Little Women's Prose writes directly her life pursuit in a traditional like form, which deconstructs the cultural autarchy of grand narrative.

特别是东大乘教对封建专制制度的叛逆思想与行为活动,对当时与后世的民间宗教产生了巨大而深远的影响。What is more, the East Mahayana's view and activities against the feudalist autarchy produced huge and profound influence on the folk religion at that time and the following centuries.

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传媒文化在为清帝国政治大一统提供必要的信息保障的同时,也不可避免地沦为思想和文化专制的工具。By offering the necessary information security for the great unification of Qing dynasty, the media culture was reduced to be the tool of thoughts and cultural autarchy at the same time.

第四个义项,即作为国家政体或社会制度的「专制」在西方列强打开中国大门以后才产生,「君主」与「专制」也越来越多地联系在一起。The fourth meaning, which is the autarchy of government and regime, is formed after western aggressor breaking the door of China, and emperor and autarchy are more and more closely related.

因此“五四”时期,批判“历史的孔子”是完全正确而且非常必要的,是反对封建专制主义、还“实在的孔子”的圣哲真面的革命。So it's absolutely right and necessary to criticize the historical Confucius, and it can even be said to be a revolution to object to feudal autarchy and to relocate realistic Confucius as a saint.