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这色拉已经不脆了。The salad had lost its crispness.

平滑和锐利设置有什么用?What do the smoothness and crispness settings do?

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这样使用户在阅读文本、图片和照片时更清爽明快。That should improve the crispness of text, images and photos.

比萨饼的饼底依然酥脆,也没有变得易碎。The pizza base retains its crispness without becoming brittle.

你可以联合使用锐化平滑和清除须边来调整结果。You can combine smoothing with sharpness and edge crispness to adjust results.

电视的分辨率决定了显示图像的锐度以及其它种种细节表现。The resolution of the TV controls the crispness and detail in the picture you see.

苹果和莓果需要一直保存在冰箱内,已保持最大的清脆度。Apples and berries should always be kept in the refrigerator for maximum crispness.

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总体来说,各因子可能均对豇豆脆度有直接或间接的影响。Overall, these factors affected the crispness of pickled cowpea directly or indirectly.

晨色清冷,带着一丝寂寥,隐然暗示夏日将尽。The morning had dawned clear and cold, with a crispness that hinted at the end of summer.

研究结果表明,探头和测试参数对于酥脆性有显著影响。The result shows, the effects of PT, TS, and DAR on the sample crispness are significant.

低盐酱萝卜软包装热力杀菌后,对其脆度的保持性进行了研究。After the low salt sauce radish processed thermal-sterilization, its crispness retentivity was studied.

我甚至把鼠尾草用橄榄油炸得松脆,然后再上面撒一些海盐,作为对在意大利度过的夏天的一种怀念。I even fry sage to crispness in olive oil and shake on some sea salt as a reminder of summers in Italy.

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纸是经过「双网同步」造纸机生产,所以它纸的底和面平滑效果特高,使印刷效果发挥得更加完美。Advocate is made on twin wire machines and combines a unique smooth crispness with superb print performance.

驱使人们奔向数字电视的动力就是想要电视具有和显示器一样的图像表现力的愿望。The drive toward digital TV is fueled by the desire to give TV the same crispness and detail as a computer screen.

口感是纯净的令人垂涎的果味,而收口却及其清新爽脆。With great purity of fruit flavours, the palate is mouth-wateringly juicy yet finishes with a refreshing crispness.

陶瓷材料因其硬脆特性,一直是精密加工的难点和研究热点。Precise machining for ceramics is always in difficulty and also a research hotspot due to its hardness and crispness.

多聚葡萄糖还可代替脂肪用于传统糕点和松脆制品中而保证制品的“起酥”特性。Polydextrose can also substitute fat in traditional pastry and crisp food products and keeps their crispness properties.

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优雅的果酸令口感更觉清脆,这是众多新世界莎当妮葡萄酒中所缺乏的,酒体均衡,优雅的果实余韵。The finely tuned acids allow crispness that many new world chardonnay lack. Well-balanced wine in finesse fruits finish.

空气中孕含着电流,乍起的风把夏日的清爽吹得豁然大开。There was electricity in the air and then the sharp crispness of a summer day being blown wide open as the winds rushed in.

研究钙结合大豆蛋白对冷冻预油炸微波春卷脆性的影响。The function of calcium-binding protein to improving the crispness of freezing pre-fried microwavable spring roll was studied.