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这是一张埃塞俄比亚高地一只坐着的狮尾狒狒的肖像照片。A gelada monkey sits for a portrait in the Ethiopian highlands.

一只雄性狒狒露出了尖牙和有力的齿龈,这使它看上去相当的暴戾。With fangs bared and gums blazing, a male gelada looks tough enough.

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一头母狒狒携子于日落时分经过埃塞俄比亚高原。A female gelada carries her baby through the Ethiopian highlands at sunset.

一个狒狒家族往往很小,其中只有一个雄性狒狒和数个雌性狒狒。Gelada monkeys live in small groups, with several females and a single male.

猴子的图片画廊。最后一批草放牧的灵长类动物,埃塞俄比亚的狒狒猴子生活在母系社会。The last of the grass-grazing primates, Ethiopia's gelada monkeys live in matriarchal societies.

这一严酷的景观,有时被称为非洲阿尔卑斯山,是唯一的濒危狒狒。This harsh landscape, sometimes called the African Alps, is the only home of the endangered gelada baboon.

这一严酷的风景,有时被称为非洲的阿尔卑斯山,那些濒危灭绝的狮尾狒和狒狒。This harsh landscape, sometimes called the African Alps, is the only home of the endangered gelada baboon.

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塞米恩国家公园也是很多珍稀动物的栖息地,比如,杰拉达狒狒、塞米恩狐狸和只在该地生活的瓦利亚野生山羊。The park is home to some extremely rare animals such as the Gelada baboon, the Simien fox and the Walia ibex, a goat found nowhere else in the world.

塞米恩国家公园也是很多珍稀动物的栖息地,比如,杰拉达狒狒、塞米恩狐貍和只在该地生活的瓦利亚野生山羊。The park is home to some extremely rare animals such as the gelada baboon, the simien fox and the walia ibex, a goat found nowhere else in the world.

塞米恩国家公园也是很多珍稀动物的栖息地,比如,杰拉达狒狒、塞米恩狐貍和只在该地生活的瓦利亚野生山羊。The park is home to some extremely rare animals such as the gelada baboon, the simien fox and the walia ibex , a goat found nowhere else in the world.

不过,对这些黑猩猩和和狒狒的观察结果都属个案,英国萨赛克斯大学的艾莉森茱莉提醒说,这些个案还无法告诉我们狒狒的行为是否真的和别的动物不同。However, both the chimp and the gelada observations are just one incident, cautions Alison Jolly of the University of Sussex, UK, so it can't tell us whether geladas really behave differently.