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事态发展迅速为她所始料不及。She was overtaken by the speed of events.

您的车票超乘,请补交车费。Your ticket is overtaken. Please pay the exact fare.

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曾经的痛、一化做风、随风飘扬。Have pain, a overtaken by the wind, flapping in the wind.

一下子,那群人追上了我,把我围了起来。In an instant this crowd had overtaken and surrounded me.

我发现我落在了那辆大货车后面,它已经超过我了。I found myself behind the big truck that had overtaken me.

毫无缘由的匆忙和惊慌支配着军队。And the troops were overtaken by causeless panic and haste.

去年刚经历过申奥成功兴奋的我,那一刻又有一种自豪感油然而生——因为我是一个上海人。I was overtaken by special pride because I am Shanghainese.

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而现在,他力压俄罗斯,震怖美利坚。Now they have overtaken Russia and loom in the US's sights.

菲利佩,你在比赛刚开始时就很明显的被简森超了。Q. Felipe, you were obviously overtaken by Jenson early on.

在急难中,一切追逼她的人将她追上了。All her pursuers have overtaken her In the midst of distress.

中国从沙特进口的石油创下记录,超过了美国。China has overtaken US by importing record oil from Saudia arabia.

仇敌已经追上了他,打了他,并且将他打倒。The enemy has overtaken him, has struck him, has knocked him down.

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她的回答令他困惑不解。“怎么——你是说你遇到了意外?”The answer puzzled him. "Why--do you mean thatyou've been overtaken?""

我们的计划没赶上变化,只好再定一个新的。Our original plan was overtaken by events and we had to make a new one.

当然,那些持谨慎态度的政策制定者也可能因为形势所迫而作出让步。Policymakers' aim to be prudent could yet be overtaken by events, of course.

2005年当她六位数的收入被丈夫七位数的收入赶超后,她便退出了职场。She quit in 2005 when her six-digit income was overtaken by his seven-digit one.

现在她的女儿体重已经超过了她,因为她喜欢吃蛋糕、薯片和披萨。Now her daughter's weight has overtaken her as she enjoys cakes, chips and pizza.

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女儿很喜欢吃蛋糕、薯片和披萨,而且现在的体重也已经超过了她。Now her daughter’s weight has overtaken her as she enjoys cakes, chips and pizza.

中国已经超过日本,成为亚洲顶尖大学最多的国家。China has overtaken Japan as Asias number one nation for producing top universities.

看起来空头回补带来的上涨如今可能正开始被真正的投资者买进取而代之。It appears that a short-covering rally may now be overtaken by real investor buying.