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为完成上轿,轿子在旅馆区域可触地。The Kago may touch the floor of the Kago Zone for the purpose of boarding.

当轿子到达旅馆时,旅行机器人应上轿子。The Traveller Robot shall board the Kago when the Kago arrives at the Lodge.

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当旅行机器人下轿时,轿子可以在轿子区触地。The Kago may touch the floor of the Kago Zone when the Traveller Robot alights from the Kago.

一位队员应通过单一开关开启旅行机器人上轿。A team member shall start the Traveller Robot for boarding onto the Kago by a single switch operation.

当旅行机器人下轿时,手动机器人可接触旅行机器人。The Manual Carrier Robot may touch the Traveller Robot when the Traveller Robot alights from the Kago.

行走方向即在完成各项任务时轿子在场地的移动方向。The direction of travel means the direction in which the Kago is moving on the Field while completing the tasks one by one.

但是驾笼的漫画工作远要比其他事情重要得多,而这也是我们今天主要想和他讨论的。But Kago 's manga work is far more warped than anything else he does, and that's mainly what we wanted to talk to him about.

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自动和手动运输机器人应抬着载着旅行机器人的轿子穿越森林。The Automatic and Manual Carrier Robots shall pass through the Woods while carrying the Kago with the Traveller Robot on the Seat.

自动和手动运输机器人应抬着载着旅行机器人的轿子横越山路。The Automatic and Manual Carrier Robots shall cross the Mountain Pass while carrying the Kago with the Traveller Robot on the Seat.

驾笼将原有的漫画形式打破,并置入大部分的怪诞、自我反思,以及迷幻试验的题材。Kago is taking the manga comic form and breaking it open into little chunks of weirdness , self-reflexivity, and super-trippy formal experiments.

不管你相信与否,漫画的整个艺术形式都已经需要一场革命,而现在,我们已经找到了适合的人选——驾笼真太郎。Pretty much, believe it or not. The whole damn art form has been in need of a rejuvenating force for a few years now, and we think we've just found it in artist Shintaro Kago.

从比赛开始到完成下轿任务,轿子必须始终由一个自动机器人和一个手动机器人用扁担抬着。From the start of the match to the completion of the Task of Alighting, the Kago shall always be carried by one Automatic and one Manual Carrier Robot by means of the Shoulder Pole.

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当旅行机器人上轿后并且在前的自动运输机器人部分进入调整区或此区上空时,上交任务即完成。The Task of Boarding shall be completed once the Traveller Robot has boarded the Kago and any part of the Automatic Carrier Robot in front has entered onto the Checkpoint 1 or into the space above it.