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表象训练是一种运动心理训练的方法。Presentational training is one mentality training method.

表现型站点的例子有新闻或产品文档页面。Examples of presentational sites are news or product documentation pages.

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表结构为主体级内容提供表示语义。The table structure provides presentational semantics for body-level content.

在HTML源文档中,浏览器可能会选择优先呈现一些属性。The UA may choose to honor presentational attributes in an HTML source document.

发现一个简单的提出的前提怎麽可能把一个好把戏变成伟大一个。Discover how a simple presentational premise can turn a good trick into great one.

校验你的HTML和避免表现标记——也尽可能使用精简和清晰的标记。Validate your HTML and avoid presentational markup – use as lean and clean markup as possible.

比附性象征与表现性象征存在着诸多方面的区别,同时又有着密切的联系。Figure-attached symbol and presentational symbol have a close relationship while many in difference.

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完成IBE数据收集和编写时,将计划一个介绍会。Upon completing the collection and compilation of the IBE data a presentational meeting will be scheduled.

这个展览之所以选择这种展出方式,还有另外一层意义,它也是与我个人的策展经验有关的一个话题。This presentational format has another special significance, and it is also a subject which is related with my own curatorial experience.

现在,由于样式表作为推荐的控制文档展现的工具,BODY的所有展现相关的属性都是不推荐的。Since style sheets are now the preferred way to specify a document's presentation, the presentational attributes of BODY have been deprecated.

把大量的多余的标记去除以后,只剩下了安排合理的内容。这样搜索引擎就更容易发现网站并对网站做索引。This removes the vast majority of presentational markup and leaves you with nicely formatted content that the search engines can easily find and index.

早期阅读教学需要科学的策略,它们包括联想策略、语义策略、复述策略、表象策略等。There are many useful teaching strategies for the reading education of children including the association semantic repeat and presentational strategies.

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MPC明显对脆弱的经济状况依然忧心忡忡,而最近的通胀加剧则给他们出了一道难题.While the MPC clearly remains concerned about the fragility of the economy, the latest rise in inflation, even if expected, creates presentational problems for them.

此逻辑经常与表示信息交织在一起,即体系结构内没有清楚的关注分离,从而进一步限制了灵活性。This logic was often interspersed with presentational information, meaning that there was no clear separation of concerns within the architecture, further restricting flexibility.

叙事者正是利用多元化的叙事视角营造了真实的幻境,成功地将节目的意图缝合于表象客观性中。The narrator has successfully sewn his intention into the presentational objectivity of this program through the creation of an authentic vision by utilizing plural narrative angles.

叔本华的美学体系直接建立在他的唯意志论的唯心主义的哲学之上。认为一切美的现象都是理念的客体本质的表象形态。The aesthetic system of Schopenhauer is based upon the idealistic philosophy of voluntarism, meaning that all phenomena of beauty are the presentational forms of the objective nature of Ideas.