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遗体,男性。Body, male.

雄性动物的奶头。Take male nipples.

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是五个裸男。Is five naked male.

男性还是女性?MorF Male or Female?

这是一个男性神祇。This is a male deity.

小雄马叫做colt。A young male is a colt.

男性的腋窝的味道很性感。Male armpit sex is sexy.

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雄火鸡会做什么呢?What do male turkeys do?

什么,不分男女?What,no male and female?

身边有男同性恋朋友吗?Had a close gay male pal?

它是雄的还是雌的?Is it a male or a female?

两只狗都是公的!The canines are both male.

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也是因为不知道是男是女。"You are male?" She asked.

他便是,你的蓝颜知己。He is, your male confidant.

动物的雄配子。In animals, a male gamete①.

公玉米花高扬。Male flowers stand up high.

男人是猪,这仍旧不算是阴事了。He is a male chauvinist pig.

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男主角还没有确定的人选。The male lead, still warble.

这朵花是雄花。This flower is a male flower.

“喂?”一个男人应道。"Yes?" a male voice answered.