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不得使用有题目的焊割工具。The welding tool shouldn't be iffy.

那些模糊了这些关联的人都是悬乎的。Anyone blurring these lines is iffy.

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这些团体中不乏一些问题团体。And some of these groups are a bit iffy.

依我看,他们的成功有点儿玄乎。As far as I can see, their success is a bit iffy.

我们去阿尔加维这事还很不确定。It's still pretty iffy about us going to the algarve.

但是,就连舒尔曼也说,这一提法具有很大不确定性。But even Schulmann said it would be an iffy proposition.

至于第三种,销售产品,到底能否带来实际收益尚不确定。The third route, selling products, is iffy at best as a source of real revenue.

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本州的两座核反应堆就坐落在地震断层区,发生海啸风险很高,人员疏散计划没有出台。The state's two reactors sit near seismic faults, tsunamis are a risk, and evacuation plans are iffy.

今天我可能无法去工作了。昨晚吃了王飞做的比萨后胃感到很不舒服。I might not go in to work today. My stomach is feeling very iffy after eating Wang Fei's pizza last night!

雷蒙兄弟整个夏天尝试出售由商业银行支持的问题债券也并不成功。Lehman Brothers has tried unsuccessfully to sell a pile of iffy securities backed by commercial mortgages all summer.

在这个案例中,作者因为作为当事人的儿子而受到激发,称他的书为“一种咒语”并承认他的写法有些问题。In this case by invoking a son’s privilege, calling his book “a kind of conjuration” and acknowledging his iffy tactics.

不管怎么说,希腊营救计划看上去最大的不确定性在于对货币交易者推动欧元币值下行的担忧。In any case, the Greek rescue plan looks sufficiently iffy that worried currency traders have pushed down the value of the euro.

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在这瞬息万变的时期,这些接近地区首府、市政厅的大城市最容易得到政府投资的大输血。In the iffy times, the strongest cities are close to capitals, to City Halls, the most dependable arteries to government spending.

剧组工作人员常从肥皂剧中找演员,那些演员的未来常是不确定的——常在试播节目中做第二主角,希望着节目不会被撤播。Networks often cast actors from bubble shows -- those whose future is iffy -- on pilots in second position, betting that those series won't return.

高一鸣像换了一个人,忽然深沉玄乎起来,酣畅也像变了个人一样闷闷不乐,她一定要设法找到高一飞在海南的下落。Future back GaoYiMing like change a person, suddenly dark, sweet as iffy up a changed man as glum, she must try to find GaoYiFei in hainan's whereabouts.

这是一本篇幅不大、文字出彩、不失公允又具有说服力的书,它记述了资本主义经济秩序的起源、发展以及不知何去何从的现状。The book is a brisk, well-written, even-handed and highly persuasive account of the origins, growth, and rather iffy current situation of the capitalist economic order.

虽然中国上海仿生塔的概念早在大约10年前就已提出,但该建筑项目的前景仍不明朗。Though the concept for the Bionic Tower was originally pitched to Shanghai, China about a decade ago, at present the prospects for this tower being erected someday are iffy.

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注意力不集中、反应慢、刹车不灵——所有这些让我正好撞到了那辆黑车的后部,下巴撞到了方向盘上,方向盘立即被撞成了两半。The combination of inattention, slow reflexes, and iffy brakes plowed me right into the back of the black car, driving my jaw into the steering wheel, which promptly broke in half.

注意力不集中、反应慢、刹车不灵——所有这些让我正好撞到了那辆黑车的后部,下巴撞到了方向盘上,方向盘立即被撞成了两半。The combination of inattention , slow reflexes, and iffy brakes plowed me right into the back of the black car, driving my jaw into the steering wheel, which promptly broke in half.

有问题商业银行是健康商业银行的对称,一般指经营失败或因重大突发事件影响,有发生挤兑、倒闭、破产危险的商业银行。The iffy commercial banks, opposite to healthy commercial banks, are those banks who are in danger of squeezing to cash in and bankrupting because of operation failure or paroxysmal matter.