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这个数字在生命后期会减半。This number can halve later in life.

接下来的动作叫做半蹲。This is what I called the Halve Squat.

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希腊可能要减半其债务负担。Greece may have to halve its debt burden.

这样可能节省一半的响应时间。That can sometimes halve the response time.

我和他决定均摊旅行费用。He and I decided to halve expenses on our trip.

使用长的锯齿型刀,水平地将每块蛋糕分成两半。Using long serrated knife, halve each cake horizontally.

用蔬菜去皮机给杏子去皮,然后一切两半并去核。Peel apricots with a vegetable peeler, then halve and pit.

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该啤酒厂称,最后一辆运输啤酒的罐车已经于上周离开啤酒厂。The last beer tanker left the brewery last week, Halve Maan said.

将百香果切开,将籽和果汁倒入平底锅。Halve the passionfruit and scoop the seeds and juice into the pan.

法棍面包纵向切开之后,将切面均匀涂上大蒜和黄油混合物。Halve bread lengthwise and evenly coat cut sides with garlic spread.

Mead表示,每过18个月,晶体管的价格就将下降一倍。Every 18 months, Mead observed, the price of a transistor would halve.

李医生相信,锻炼身体能使患结肠癌的风险降低一半。Dr Lee believes that men who exercise can halve their risk of cancer of the colon.

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有些兵营被改建,三年内死亡率从预计的减少一半。Soon some barracks were rebuilt and within three years the death rate would halve.

总计这些影响能够在2050年之前将应对气候变化的花费减半。Together these impacts would halve the costs of dealing with climate change by 2050.

冬菇去蒂,拌入调味料蒸15分钟,取出,隔净,开半。Remove stalks from mushrooms, mix with seasoning and steam for 15 minutes, drain and halve.

该公司认为,这项技术可以将钻探强地热区域的相关费用减半。The company thinks it can halve the costs associated with drilling enhanced geothermal fields.

总理马利基第二任期开始几周之后提出将自己的薪资减半。The Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki offered to halve his salary just weeks into his second term.

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萨萨里安的威胁由符文打击所造成的额外副手武器攻击的伤害被减半。Threat of Thassarian will now properly halve the damage of Rune Strike for the off-hand strike.

科学家表示,即便日常食用适量的大豆制品也可能会影响精子的产生。A regular diet of even modest amounts of food containing soy may halve sperms, suggest scientists.

科学家表示,即便日常食用适量的大豆制品也可能会影响精子的产生。A regular diet of even modest amounts of food containing soy may halve sperms, suggest scientists.