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缺乏自由则会产生社会动荡。And in its absence, unrest festers.

2010年会是社会动荡不安的一年吗?Will 2010 be a year of social unrest?

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在后方,骚乱蜂起。Everywhere in the rear, unrest spreads.

造成不稳定的部分原因是政治因素。Some causes of the unrest are political.

石首厨师死亡引发的骚乱中,8人获刑。China jails 8 for unrest over chef death.

印控克什米尔骚乱,印度军方开枪打死一人,打伤15人。Indian forces kill 1, wound 15 in Kashmir unrest.

海地宣布复检大选票数以抑制社会骚乱。Haiti announces vote tally recheck to stem unrest.

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中东地区进一步的动荡也将导致“限制”。Further Mideast unrest could also lead to tightening.

越来越多的迹象表明,民众骚乱呈现扩大化趋势。There are growing signs of more broadly-based popular unrest.

然而,到目前为止,令人恐惧的动荡扩散还未发生。So far, however, the feared spread of unrest has not occurred.

军方扬言如果内乱继续就实行军管。The army is threatening to take over if civil unrest continues.

但是本周的动乱也催生了其它词汇的新鲜的用法。But this week's unrest has thrown up other linguistic novelties.

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这里以后就是我的心灵的栖所,让我的心灵不再那么的漂浮。Here is my soul home in the future and my hear will not so unrest.

叙利亚动荡,或许将中东带到悬崖边缘。The unrest in Syria brings the Middle East perhaps to a precipice.

但是,随着社会动荡的局势不断蔓延,这个等式也正在改变。But Telhami says that equation is changing as social unrest spreads.

这次冲突很大程度上扩大了这次反政府骚乱。The clashes marked a major escalation in the anti-government unrest.

日本板硝子株式会社和其他公司的子公司都面临着同样的问题。Subsidiaries of Nippon Sheet Glass and others have also faced unrest.

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动荡最终发展成不同殖民地之间的大规模战争。Unrest grows into full-scale galaxy-wide wars among various colonies.

高失业率是造成这次突尼西亚动乱的主要原因。High unemployment rates are the main reasons for the unrest in Tunisia.

劳工抗议活动和政治不稳定则加剧了企业经营风险。Labor unrest and political instability have exacerbated business risks.