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新的经理还过得去吗?Does the new manager pass muster?

我必须召集船员在甲板集合吗?Shall I muster the crew on the deck?

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我们将于秋季招收新兵。We will muster in service in autumn.

然后,我试着寻找自己最甜最性感的声音。Then I tried to muster up my best sexy voice.

我们需要召集同样的实用主义去拯救全人类。We need to muster the same pragmatism to save humanity.

姚明会把心中的每一丝勇气都激发出来和你死拼。Yao will compete with every bit of heart he can muster.

浦鲁马的外表不会符合现代会议室的要求。Brummel's look would not pass muster in a modern boardroom.

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我再次进攻,这一次用上了我所能集中的一切记忆。I attacked again, this time with all the skill I could muster.

他前来收拾这些残兵败将。He HAS come to muster the beaten generals and remnant soldiers.

总统未能拉到足够票数去避过弹劾。The President couldn't muster the votes to fend off impeachment.

将那些他们无法自己准备的资源摆到桌面上。Bring resources to the table that they cannot muster on their own.

为此,我们要振作起美国的精神和信心。For this we muster the spirit of America, and the faith of America.

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穆斯特尔仅用72分钟便以6比2、6比3拿下了这场实力悬殊的比赛。Muster needed just 72 minutes to win the one-sided match, 6-2, 6-3.

现在你要聚集其余的军兵来、安营围攻这城。Now muster the rest of the troops and besiege the city and capture it.

她清了清嗓子,发出了她能发出的最令人厌恶的声音。She cleared her throat with the most disgusting sound she could muster.

新加坡副总理说,“为了同非典做斗争,我们现在众志成城并集中所有的人财物力。We have to muster all our resolve and resources in order to fight Sars.

此刻,我们正集结军队去找本杰明那些凶手讨一个说法。Now, we are to muster an army and go attack theBenjaminites.” Father told me

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但是进一家假古董店就不需要鼓起勇气了。But no one has to muster up courage to enter a less pretentious antique shop.

为了同地震做斗争,我们现在众志成城并集中所有的人财物力。We have to muster all our resolve and resources in order to fight earthquake.

我原以为查利的父母不会喜欢我,不过显然我被接受了。I didn' t think Charlie' s parents would like me, but evidently I pass muster.