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她喜欢被晒黑。She likes to sunburn.

她可能会晒伤。She might get a sunburn.

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晒斑的专业术语是红斑。The technical term for sunburn is erythema.

他那张被太阳晒黑的脸令他吃惊。The brown sunburn of his face surprised him.

晒斑不会导致三度烧伤或结疤。Sunburn never causes a third-degree burn or scarring.

它能有助于缓解晒伤的灼痛感、痒和发炎。It can help ease sunburn pain, itching, and inflammation.

如果你没有擦防晒,你很可能会晒黑。If you don't wear sunscreen, you are apt to get a sunburn.

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也可以发射中国改进版的“日炙”。China can also launch the improved version of the "Sunburn."

使干燥,敏感,粗糙以及晒后的皮肤柔润,富有弹性。Soothes and softens dry, irritated, chapped or sunburn skin.

茉莉在海滩被太阳晒伤后就很惨。Molly was miserable after she got a bad sunburn on the beach.

她的脸被太阳晒得绯红,起泡的手掌也绽裂了。Her face was crimson with sunburn and her blistered palms raw.

为什么他们能够坚持,哪怕风吹雨打与暴晒?How come they persisted in that despite rain, storms, and sunburn?

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产品中不含任何遮光剂来防止晒伤。Product does not contain any sunscreen to protect against sunburn.

立即吃阿司匹林,它可以帮助你在晒伤早期减轻它的发展。Pop aspirin immediately?it may lessen early development of sunburn.

严重的晒伤会导致皮肤压痛,疼痛,肿胀,出现水泡。Severe sunburn causes skin tenderness, pain, swelling and blistering.

你绝对不会被晒伤的,因为这个防晒油的防晒系数是三十。You definitely won't get a sunburn because this suntan lotion is SPF30.

植物会被晒伤,叶子和果实上可能会出现黄色斑点。Plants can get sunburn. Yellow spots may appear on their leaves and fruit.

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你的脑子一定是被太阳晒伤了,他们是好来坞最模范的夫妻。You must have got a sunburn on the brain, they are Hollywood's best couple.

研究发现,被晒伤的鲸鱼越来越多,而蓝鲸在这方面情况似乎是最糟的。The increase in sunburn appears to be worst for blue whales, the study found.

冬天里仍然可能会有晒伤,因为雪会反射太阳辐射。Sunburn is still possible in the winter because the snow reflects the sun's rays.