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数据源描述。Data source description.

田雨符合耿玉斌的描述。Tian Yu fit Geng’s description.

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添加您所希望的描述。Add the description if you wish.

为什么我抵制这一称呼?Why do I resist the description?

这是一件无章可循的工作。It was a job with no description.

那是一个不真实的记述。That's an untruthful description.

版本说明文件?。VDD? Version Description Document?

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循环码的矩阵描述。Matrix description of cyclic codes.

描写必须适得其所。Description must work for its place.

它含有一个可选描述。It contains an optional description.

她的美丽超出了人力所能描绘的限度。Her beauty surpasses all description.

作品说明一式二份。Description of the works in duplicate.

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描述是清楚的和不含糊的吗?Is the description exact and not vague?

他的脸肿得无法形容。His face was swollen beyond description.

货色齐全。Goods of every description are available.

只用故事情节来描述虚构作品。Plot-only description of fictional works.

她对她的旅行作了一场生动的描述。She made a vivid description of her tour.

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他们的痛苦是难以形容的。Their sufferings were beyond description.

这说明,而肥皂歌剧。This description is rather soap-operatic.

阀门通径,型号或规格说明。Valve size, figure number or description.