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这名法官执法公正无私。The judge dispenses the law without bias.

人生际遇,难得平等。Chance dispenses life with unequal justice.

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如果你往这台机器里放一枚硬币,它就会供给你咖啡。This machine dispenses coffee to anyone who puts in a coin.

她将洗头液在手里按揉并涂抹到我的头上。She dispenses shampoo into her hands and massages it into my head.

银行从帐户取出钱然后交给小孩。The bank takes money out of the account, and dispenses it to the kid.

于是,这位“奥巴哈先知”就经常性有规律的将智慧和俏皮话混合在一起奉献给崇拜他的普罗大众。Accordingly, the “Oracle of Omaha” regularly dispenses wisdom and witticisms to his adoring public.

持有5加仑的冰和分配具体数额的刨冰,以重量计为一个完美的饮料每次。Holds 5 gallons of ice and dispenses exact amounts of shaved ice by weight for a perfect drink every time.

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快车路比旧的公路安全多了,因为快车路去掉了许多危险的交叉点和连接点。The motorway is much safer than the old road in that it dispenses with dangerous intersections and junctions.

大冰彬才能,这台机器分配的详细数额,刨冰,使完满的饮料!With a large ice bin capacity, this machine dispenses the exact amount of shaved ice to make the perfect drink!

半高的隔墙是现代卫浴空间划分与功能附着的一个典范。Half tall partition is an example that the contemporary space that defend bath delimits dispenses function adheres to.

他在加拿大长大时从事过冰球运动,是一位前“主将”——主将通常要在比赛中制定策略并指导他的队友们——向他们打手势以分配任务。He is a former “skip” — the player who usually directs the strategy during a game —and dispenses curling tips to employees.

在本系列的后续文章中,我们将对自动售货机进行扩展,使其能够收取钱币并分发产品。In the forthcoming articles in this series, we extend the vending machine so that it collects money and dispenses products.

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马毅的方法的特点之一是可应用于各个领域,而最突出的结果是在人脸识别领域的应用尝试。One of the hallmarks of Ma’s approach is that it dispenses with all but the most compelling match in a face-recognition attempt.

这里既是地中海与大西洋在非洲北端亲密接触的地方,也是风格多元的文化和各种美味佳肴交融展示的场所。Where the Mediterranean Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean at the northern tip of Africa, Tangier dispenses a diverse mix of culture and cuisine.

事实上,对我而言,工作中充满发怒的机会——这次起因是泡茶用的热水机坏了。Indeed, for me work is one long rage opportunity – starting with the fact that the machine that dispenses hot water for tea is on the blink.

云计算可能也会成为“鲤鱼跳龙门”式的技术,因为它把构建复杂IT基础设施的需求进行有效的分配。Cloud computing could prove to be a similar “leapfrog” technology because it dispenses with the need to build a cumbersome IT infrastructure.

它先将面浆料放于烤板烤成脆片并自动卷成锥状、而后定型、脱离、收集。First it dispenses batter on the baking plates to prepare the wafers for shaping, then rolls them up, keep them in shape unload them finally.

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新加坡社会发展网开办了一个叫做LoveByte的网站来提供约会的建议并允许人们搜索在网站注册的单身。Singapore's Social Development Network runs a website called LoveByte that dispenses dating advice and allows people to search for other registered singles.

我喜欢这款洗面奶,可以帮助淡化我的痘印,而且很温和,这是一款泡沫型洗面奶,用量省。I like this cleanser because it helps my acne marks fade and it is gentle. It is a foaming cleanser that dispenses the exact amount you need in just one pump.

该设备根据医嘱信息自动将病人每一次需要服用的药品分包为餐包,即单剂量包装。The device automatically dispenses the drugs that patients need to take each time to meal packaging, namely, single-dose packaging, according to doctor's advice.