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她说的话充满了讽刺。What she said is really satiric.

我不怎么喜欢讽刺文学。I don't quite into satiric literature.

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他是一个喜欢挖苦别人的人,对别人很不礼貌。He is a satiric man and always be rude to others.

由于好讥刺的个性,他的作品多以讽刺为主。His works were known to be satiric due to his satirical personality.

在1726年,他撰写出版了他最大的讽刺,佛的游记。In 1726, he wrote and published his greatest satiric work, Gulliver's Travels.

所以很多东西,你似乎是一个消费文化在当代的讽刺山。So much of what you do appears to be a satiric jab at contemporary consumer culture.

音乐是唯一不能用及表达卑鄙的或讽刺的事物的语言。Music is but the only one which is no language for expressing satiric or mean things.

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某地区新闻报道了婚前协议和离婚的一个很讽刺的故事。A local news report about a prenup and marriage breakup would make a fine satiric tale.

打油诗,社会语言学,对外汉语教学,第二语言习得。Satiric Poems, Sociolinguistics, Chinese as a Foreign Language, Second Language Acquisition.

而是表达的方式、讽刺的方法手段使它们变得有趣和引人入胜。It was the manner of expression_r, the satiric method that made them interesting and entertaining.

小说采用的讽刺手法对学术界的自负进行了深刻的剖析。In the novel, Carol employed satiric skills to dissect the universal overconfidence in academic circles.

讽刺文学或许讽刺文学最显著的特点是其视角的新颖性和独特性。Perhaps the most striking quality of satiric literature is its freshness, its originality of perspective.

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第一章主要分析其小说对历史讽刺与宽容的双重内涵。Chapter one analyses the double connotation of satiric and tolerant to history mainly, which is divided into two small parts.

第二章主要分析其小说对个体讽刺与宽容的双重态度。Chapter two analyses the double connotation of satiric and tolerant to individual mainly, which is divided into two small parts.

梁缨早期的作品当中的意境饱含对中产及以上阶级的讽刺与挖苦,例如描绘桃树下或花园中散步的女人。Among her early works is a satiric portrayal of the upper-middle class imagery of a woman working within the peach trees, or in a flower garden.

从麦尔维尔作品中采用的通俗小说手法入手,尤其是对其在具体作品中采用的讽刺冒险、哥特、城市暴露和言情等通俗小说模式逐一论述。This article is to analyze the specific use of such popular fiction formulas as Satiric Adventure, Gothic, City Expose and Women's fictions in some of his serious novels.

这种文体特征的形成与我国古代的寓言故事、讽谕诗以及民间的笑文化有明显的渊源关系。There is a conspicuous relationship of origin between the formation of such a style and the traditional Chinese allegories and satiric verse, and popular culture of ridicule.

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本文廓清了人们对传统讽刺小说的理论误区,并对明清讽刺小说的发展轨迹作了清晰的勾勒。Clearing up people's theoretical misunderstandings of traditional satiric fiction, the paper gives a clear account of the developmental course of satiric fiction of the Ming and Qing dynasties.