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普拉德霍湾以外的滞留北极熊。Stranded polar bears on Cross Island outside Prudhoe Bay.

我已经充满从费尔班克斯向普拉德霍湾约12个小时。I had ridden from Fairbanks to Prudhoe Bay in about 12 hours.

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1968年在阿拉斯加州北部的普拉德霍海湾发现了石油和天然气。Oil and gas was found in nineteen sixty-eight near Prudhoe Bay on the North Slope of Alaska.

在第二次世界大战期间曾是军事基地,是源自普拉德霍湾的运油管道的南端终点。A military base during World War II, it is the southern terminus of the oil pipeline from Prudhoe Bay.

在远处,有一个系列的云彩在地平线上,我知道,这是普拉德霍湾附近。In the distance, there was a line of clouds at the horizon , and I knew that that Prudhoe Bay was near.

例如欧洲的北海、阿拉斯加的普拉德霍湾和墨西哥湾的坎塔雷尔油田等产量都在下滑。Europe's North Sea, Alaska's Prudhoe Bay and Mexico's Cantarell field in the Gulf of Mexico have all seen declining output.

Fu说她今年夏天正准备到以油田服务为主的斯伦贝谢实习,此公司位于阿拉斯加州的普拉德霍湾。This summer Fu says she’s heading off to do an engineering internship for oil field services giant Schlumberger in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.

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他最终让我明白,他们是途中的北极圈内,但他仅想所有的道路普拉德霍湾。He eventually got me to understand that they were enroute to the Arctic Circle, but that he alone wanted to go all the way to Prudhoe Bay.

在一张拍摄于1977年之前的照片上,一只北极狐在普拉德霍湾的雪地上慢慢跑过,当时在阿拉斯加的北斯洛普,钻油井才刚刚出现。An Arctic fox lopes over snowy ground in Prudhoe Bay in an image shot before 1977 when oil wells began to sprout up across Alaska's North Slope.

北阿拉斯加的地区,在布鲁克斯山脉和北冰洋之间。普拉德霍湾附近有石油和天然气储藏。A region of northern Alaska between the Brooks Range and the Arctic Ocean. There are oil and natural gas reserves in the area around Prudhoe Bay.

阿拉斯加北部的未来可能会越来越像英国石油公司在普拉德霍湾的这个石油基地,这里原油被进行加工然后运送到泛阿拉斯加输油管道去。The future of the North Slope may increasingly look like this BP facility at Prudhoe Bay, where crude gets processed before being sent through the Trans-Alaska Pipeline.