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在这种情况下,资源必然会在最不恰当的时候瘫痪。Inevitably, that resource will die at the most inopportune time.

问题是这些意外情况经常在不合适的时间发生。The problem is these issues will often arise at inopportune times.

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这促使对冲基金在不适当的时机进行抛售,从而加剧了油价的下跌。This forces funds to sell at inopportune times, adding to the spiral.

在这个时候发动一场反英示威是极不合时宜的。It was a singularly inopportune moment to stage an anti-british demonstration.

在不恰当的时候打电话闲扯瞎聊会浪费你很多宝贵的时间。You can waste a lot of valuable time just "shooting the breeze" at inopportune times.

工人的要求在他们看来可能往往显得既不合时宜也不可取。The demands of the workers might often appear to them either inopportune or ill-advised.

所以,眼下微软的“出击”怎么看都显得不合时宜。Therefore, how at present Microsoft does launch an attack looked that appears inopportune.

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不合理用药主要表现为选药不当、给药时间不当等。Irrationality of drug-use was mainly revealed in improper selection of drugs and administration of drugs at inopportune time.

但不可否认,假如人们还想在激变中坚持冷静和清醒,这种不合时宜是必不可少的。But undeniably, if the people also want to maintain in the cataclysm are calm and are sober, this kind inopportune is essential.

但是他的退赛让整个中国震惊、继而被部分国人视为一个不合时宜的愚人节玩笑。But he draws back the match to let the entire China shock, subsequently regard as an inopportune fool's day joke by the partial people.

机器在缺乏维护的情况下长期运转就会出现故障,很有可能就在一个特别关键的时刻掉链子。When you run a machine without maintenance you run a high risk of in breaking down over time, and passibly at an incredibly inopportune moment.

不巧的是,这段激情的拥抱恰好被暗中的顾小北看见,爱情悲剧从此刻起拉开了帷幕。Inopportune is, the hug of this paragraph of passion is apropos by in the dark Gu Xiaobei sees, love tragedy pulled open heavy curtain from these quarter.

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难以置信的是很多人都不这么做,这意味着他们将犯严重的错误以及做不恰当的事情,而这些原本可以避免。It’s amazing how many people don’t do this, because it means you’re going to make serious mistakes and do inopportune things that could have been avoided.

给美与艺术下定义的做法,一方面违反美与艺术的开放的本性、一方面也已经不合时宜。Procedure which define for US and art, on the one hand disobeys anti-US and the artistic open natural disposition, on the one hand already was also inopportune.

道德化叙事倾向作为山东作家的显著共性,在时下“欲望化”、“世俗化”的叙事潮流中,多少显得有点落寞与不合时宜。Moralized narration as a distinguished feature of Shandong writers seems more or less desolate and inopportune with the current"desirized"and" secularized "narration.

部分评级下调或警告也似乎来得不合时宜,比如正值决策者努力达成协议,纾困希腊、葡萄牙和爱尔兰等国之时.Some have come at what might seem inopportune times, just as policymakers are struggling to put together bailout plans for countries such as Greece, Portugal and Ireland.

这些夫妇将在3月26日举行这次抗议活动,要求政府为他们划出一块特殊的区域让他们进行约会,而不受到聒噪的警察或者讨厌的小商贩们的打扰。The couples, who will hold their protest on March 26, are demanding a special area where they can meet without harassment from nosy police officers or inopportune hawkers.

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在一次游戏中,一些棋子将会"死掉",而另一些看起来死掉但却会在不可思议的时候重获生机。The rules are simple but the play is extraordinarily complex. During a game, some stones will "die", and some will appear to be dead but spring back to life at an inopportune moment.

但是,在目前俄罗斯虎视眈眈以及拒绝从格鲁吉亚完全撤军的情况下,加速乌克兰加入北约的进程是不合时宜的。But, in the present Russia eyes covetously as well as the rejection in the situation which withdraws troops completely from Georgia, accelerates Ukraine to join NATO's advancement is inopportune.