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病毒也能组合再重组,无休无止。The virus can combine and recombine again and again.

那就给毒株混杂与重组提供充足的机会。That provides ample opportunity for strains to mingle and recombine.

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可是如何解释,你能把不同的客观事物组合起来呢?But how to explain that you can recombine the phisical things in the brain?

本文从大局着眼,对北京连锁企业联合重组的方式进行了探讨。The article is disscussed the mode to unit and recombine the chains enterprises.

这会产生电流并使金属在电解液中重新合成。That generates electricity and causes the metals to recombine in the electrolyte.

言重后悔当日没留意天从,现在又重遇天从,觉得是缘分。YanChong regret the day to day, from and recombine days from now, think it is fate.

而最终电子会与原子再次结合,产生可见的星云光芒。The electrons eventually recombine with the atoms to produce the visible nebular glow.

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但是它们只重组那些来自与它们同一物种的成员的分子。But they only recombine in those molecules that are from members of their same species.

当这些“正电穴”在地球表层“再次聚合”时,他们便进入了一个兴奋状态。When these pholes "recombine" at the surface of the Earth, they enter an excited state.

这类公司如何制定发展战略,如何解决购并后的各种冲突,没有现成的理论方法。How to resolve the interior conflict after purchas recombine?There are no ready-made theory.

这些氢气成为需要被排出的气体的一部分,氢气接下来与外界的空气混合,氢气和氧气结合爆炸。That hydrogen then mixes with the surrounding air. Hydrogen and oxygen can then recombine explosively.

结合和重组思想,图象,用不同的方式往组合和思想,无论它有多失调或者奇怪。Combine and recombine ideas, images, and thoughts into different combinations no matter how incongruent or unusual.

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国有控股的股份制公司具有强烈的中国特色,特别是兼并重组后的国有控股的股份制公司。State-holding joint stock company has strong sinitic feature, especially state-holding company of purchas recombine.

此功能的一个典型使用场合是使用剪切和粘贴来将一个文件中的字段提取并重新组合到另一个文件中。A typical use for this is where you are using cut and paste to extract and recombine fields from a file into another.

重组金融机构,强化有效监管,才是真正有效的解决途径。Recombine financial organization, aggrandizement is superintended effectively, just be truly effective settlement way.

企业可以重用和重组这些服务,以支持不同的活动,不论在企业内部还是外部。An enterprise can reuse and recombine these services to support different activities, within and beyond the enterprise.

然而这两种结构在极小的时间片段顺序下,趋于频繁分开和再结合。But both structures tend to break apart and recombine frequently, on the order of extremely tiny fractions of a second.

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高速、高效、柔性、复合化是制造技术发展的主要趋势。High speed, highly effective, the flexibility, the recombine are the technique of manufacture development main tendencies.

科学家们目前正在研究使质子和电子重新组合为氢原子的方法,再使原子变为H2分子。The scientists are working on ways to recombine the protons and electrons back into hydrogen atoms and then molecules of H2.

不过那些装置佔满了大部份的房间,因为原子团是在一个大型的真空腔中自由落下时进行分开再结合的。But those devices take up most of a room, because the atomic blobs split and recombine while free-falling inside a large vacuum chamber.