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因为没有平移不变性。There's no translation.

它不需要翻译。It needs no translation.

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谁拥有这些语言包?Who owns the translation?

他大致的意思是这样的That's a rough translation.

翻译是怎么样?What about the translation?

译作不可随意增减伸缩。Translation is not scalable.

这实在是对不起翻译背谬。Sorry for my bad translation.

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申请加入翻译公司。Apply to translation agencies.

译笔流畅。The translation reads smoothly.

广告翻译服务社。Advertisement Translation Servic.

夸它的就翻译得这么好?Google translation is really good.

他与翻译结下不解之缘。He has been wedded to translation.

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我并不确定如果翻译harlot一词。I'm not sure why that translation.

他们出版了莱奥帕尔迪诗歌的译文。The poem reads like a translation.

这只是一个非常粗糙的译稿。It's just a very rough translation.

开始翻译到义大利文与中文。Translation in italian and chinese.

如何提高你的翻译水平?How do you improve your translation?

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但是时实的翻译呢?But what about real-time translation?

译诗求三美。Pursuing beauty in poetry translation.

这部经典作品经翻译后减色不少。The classic loses much in translation.