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这是东安格利亚大学的网站。This is the website for University of East Anglia.

本是学习东英吉利亚大学政治。Ben is learning politics at the University of East Anglia.

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我在东吉利亚一所综合中学三年级A班。I am in form 3 Alpha at a comprehensive school in East Anglia.

反映古代东盎格里亚独特风格的大型弧线形砖瓦。Those large curved brick tiles so characteristic of east anglia.

来自东安格利亚大学的一个小组打算处理好这个问题。A team from the University of East Anglia plans to put that right.

安格利亚电视公司保住了在英格兰东部地区服务的许可权。Anglia television has retained the franchise for the east of england.

你的公司已经决定启动一个店在东英吉利大学。Your company has decided to launch a shop at the University of East Anglia.

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迈克·胡尔姆,东英吉利大学气候变化教授。Mike Hulme is professor of climate change at Britain's University of East Anglia.

几年前的时候,他常把一辆福特安格里亚车停放在里面,但是这辆车已经丢了。He used to park a Ford Anglia there, several years ago, but the car has gone missing.

在这点上,福特安格利亚车可以说是一辆自主的汽车,它被亚瑟·韦斯莱施了魔法。In this case, the Ford Anglia was an automobile owned and enchanted by Arthur Weasley.

毕竟,围绕东英吉利大学争议的根源就在于能否接触研究数据。The root of the University of East Anglia dispute is, after all, about access to data.

东安格里亚大学表示,在那次沟通之后并没有删除任何邮件。The University of East Anglia says that no emails were deleted following this exchange.

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英吉利电视台在节目播出后发表声明称它是一场有意制造的玩笑。Anglia TV made a statement the day after the program that it had been intended as a joke.

作者菲奥娜·麦克唐纳在剑桥大学和东安格里亚大学学习的是历史。Fiona MacDonald studied history at Cambridge University and at the University of East Anglia.

我似乎总能从哈里的卧室窗口,看到东盎格里亚的精华。The view from Harry's bedroom window always seems to hold, for me, the essence of East Anglia.

“戴•那代尔”的任务是摸清驻扎在东英吉利,由巴顿将军统率的美国第一军团的实力。Die nadel's orders are to assess the strength of the first united states army group under general patton in east anglia.

肖恩。哈里斯,罗琳在中学最后那年最好的朋友,他那时有辆绿松石色的福特。安格里亚车,而它正是罗琳书中哈利他们的“飞天车”的原型。Sean. Harris, her best friend in the Upper Sixth owned a turquoise Ford Anglia , which she says inspired the one in her books.

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獾广泛地分布在英国各地,西南部最为普遍,英格兰东部和苏格兰地区只有少量分布。Badgers are widespread in britain but are most common in the south west rare in east anglia and thinly distributed in scotland.

这辆马力十足的福特安格里亚车帮助哈利·波特和他的伙伴荣恩·韦斯利度过了很多难关,尽管有一次撞在了一颗树上。The feisty Anglia often helped Harry and his friend Ron Weasley out of trouble, despite being driven into a tree on one occasion.

这些电子邮件是黑客从东英吉利亚大学气候研究所窃取的,其杀伤力可能无与伦比。The emails extracted by a hacker from the climatic research unit at the University of East Anglia could scarcely be more damaging.