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得到高管层或董事会的支持Sponsorship at the C-level or by the Board of Directors

担保金必须由赞助人签署。A sponsorship bond is required to be signed by the sponsor.

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最终,赛百味决定继续向菲尔普斯提供赞助。Ultimately Subway continued its sponsorship of the swimmer.

FIRST为每年的会议恳请赞助。FIRST solicits partial sponsorship for the annual conferences.

保荐人制度起源于英国,发展于香港。Sponsorship system originates England, developing in Hong Kong.

此外,2010年英超联赛的衬衫赞助费就高达1亿英镑。Moreover, shirt sponsorship deals for 2010 topped 100 million pounds.

为什么我们必须全面禁止烟草广告、促销和赞助?Why do we need a total ban on advertising, promotion and sponsorship?

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匈牙利,布达佩斯。奔跑者们分享任务的活动是在露天冰冷大型运动场。Runners participate in a sponsorship event at an open-air ice stadium.

姚之队应该提出代言星巴克,这样姚在那里就可以免费了。Team Yao needs to set up a sponsorship with Starbucks, easy money there.

分析诸如边界、元素命名,以及被执行的发起。Analyses such as boundary, element naming, and sponsorship are performed.

您是否愿意在我保证下加入共济会?Do you wish under my sponsorship to enter the brotherhood of freemasons ?

天梭是一个顶级赞助对体育与传统的国际品牌。Tissot is a top international brand with a tradition in sports sponsorship.

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在国办层面完成合格的儿童交流产品。Produce qualified sponsorship communication products at Country Office level.

为什么烟草广告、促销和赞助是对青年人的一种威胁?Why are tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship a threat to young people?

体育营销理论包括体育赞助与体育公共关系。Sports Markeing theories includes Sports Sponsorship and Sports Public Realtions.

公司也开始赞助拉各斯国际马拉松。The company also started the sponsorship of Glo Lagos International Half Marathon.

禁止烟草广告、促销和赞助可减少烟草消费。Bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship can reduce tobacco consumption.

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根据新政策,非京籍学生不再需要缴纳赞助费。With the new policy, non-native students in Beijing are exempted from sponsorship fees.

必须保持所有风险承担者的有力支持和决策制定者的说服力。Be sure to keep strong sponsorship from all stakeholders and buy-in from decision-makers.

名人的公众形象常常会对他们的明星号召力或赞助协议产生影响。A celebrity's public image can often affect their star power or lucrative sponsorship deals.