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我们游泳,晒太阳。We swam and sunned.

我游得非常放松。I swam very relaxed.

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天鹅又游回来了。Swan swam back again.

蛟龙要有海来游。Dragon swam to the sea.

跨湖。我游湖跨越。I swam across the lake.

我游过了河。I swam across the river.

他游过了河。He swam across the river.

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他游到了它的底部。He swam down to its base.

我们游到河了对岸。We swam across the river.

他向上游游去。He swam quartering upstream.

此时,有一只鲔鱼向他们游了过来。Then, a tuna swam up to them.

一片云从我的眼前飘过去。A cloud swam across my vision.

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彩虹章鱼同游嬉。And swam with rainbow octopus.

鱼和蜥蜴向外涌动。Fishes and lizards swam forth.

我常游泳横渡这条河。I often swam across the river.

狗游过了河。The dog swam across the river.

几只野鸭悠游塘中。Few mallards swam along the pond.

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他快速地游过了河。He swam across the river quickly.

他们往章鱼家游曩昔。They swam towards octopus's home.

她游过多佛尔海峡。She swam over the Strait of Dover.