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大麦粒在水中吸涨。Barley grains imbibe water.

油湿性岩石倾向于吸收油。Oil-wet rocks preferentially imbibe oil.

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这些植物通过根部吸收水分。These plants imbibe moisture through their roots.

我们应该去理解并吸收有益部分。We should to understand and to imbibe availability part.

你将会吸入氧气,帮助自己减压。It will imbibe your body with oxygen and help relieve stress.

这样花梗没有受到力,导管保持正常,轻易吸收水分。So peduncular did not get force, conduit keeps normal, easy imbibe.

酒吧的老主顾们极欲将全部精华吸收殆尽。Lounge patrons desperately wanted to imbibe the essence of all this.

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期望一只蚊子吸饱了血,在它肚子上用针扎一个洞。Wait until a mosquito imbibe enough blood then punch a hole on its stomach by a needle.

这在我一生之中不无益处,我可以把它吸收,不必努力。This had the advantage of making it possible for me to imbibe it, without an effort, into my whole being.

这是有扭曲灵魂的生物之血,而且所有喝下这的人都会被扭曲,这会永远的奴役你。It is the blood of the Twisted Souls, and it will twist yours and those of all who imbibe. It will enslave you forever.

我建议我们去喝些品种丰富的酒类。,就等着这不可避免的冲击波吧。真棒,谢了。I suggest we imbibe copious quantities of alcohol. Just wait for the inevitable blast wave. Bukowski Swell. thank you, Bukowski.

糖分会影响水分的吸收,激烈运动时,无味的白开水才是最佳饮料。Sugar may affect the way that water is absorbed. When exercising strenuously, flavorless boiled water is the best beverage to imbibe.

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整个过程中,一粒止痛药都没有,虽然有几个换生灵会喝一种用橡树汁发酵而成的酒,但这种酒对身体有害。The entire process occurs without a gram of painkiller, although a few imbibe a noxious alcohol made from the fermented mash of acorns.

瑜珈能让你的身体吐故纳新,在不知不觉中保持优雅紧致的身形,轻盈灵动的姿态。Yoga helps you expel the stale and imbibe the fresh, and without knowing it maintain an elegant and toned body, delicate and flexible posture.

我看着桌上的咖啡杯,端起喝了一小口,端详着杯子,不一会,我的目光落在了杯子的手柄上,我在小心翼翼地喝着这杯热咖啡。I see a coffee mug on the table, reach for a sip and, lo and behold, the vessel’s handle is soon in my grasp as I gingerly imbibe the hot liquid.

常吃枸杞可以美容,这点很多人都不知道。这是因为,枸杞可以提高皮肤吸收氧分的能力,另外,还能起到美白作用。A lot of people may not know that regularly eating wolfberry is good for skin. Wolfberry can help the skin imbibe nourishment and whiten the skin.

临空而坐,来点前卫的塔帕斯小吃,尝尝顶级的龙虾,饕餮美妙的各式奶酪、鲜纯鱼子酱,别忘了还有各种年份的红酒任由品茗。Accompanied by the skyline of Seoul city, guests imbibe modern tapas, top quality oysters, gourmet cheese platters, farmed caviar and vintage wine selection.

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我发现自己想喝酒这些东西几乎紧急逻辑的范围内,据我所知,作为一种行为,我可以模拟其他材料。I find myself trying to imbibe the almost emergent logic of these things to the extent that I understand it as a behavior which I can emulate in other materials.

这些和蔼可亲的战士们很少找别人麻烦,相反的,为了那些敢于喝他们酿造的酒的人们,熊猫人更喜欢把自己的精力放到调制的可口的新饮料上。These affable warriors rarely seek out danger or trouble, preferring instead to spend their time concocting new and tasty beverages for any brave enough to imbibe them.

或许是为了弥补过去所不珍惜的,一些人已开始积极支持华族文化和艺术。他们也不时走访中国,欣赏壮观的自然风景和认识丰富的文化遗产。As if to redeem themselves, some have become ardent supporters of Chinese art and culture. They also visit China regularly in order to imbibe its splendors and rich heritage.