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产品转售权利踌躇你的头脑。Of products with resale rights will boggle your mind.

不允许倒卖进口料件。Resale of imported materials and parts is not permitted.

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如果要将它们出手,它们转售时的价值也更高。They also enjoy better resale value if you need to part with them.

该幅土地的转售部分将有买进它,现在和化妆提供选择。The resale section of the site will have buy-it-now and make-offer options.

有的餐馆甚至还对企图通过倒卖废油的挣钱的小偷进行防范。Some have even had to fend off thieves looking to make a buck on its resale.

天然石木地板,几乎总是会增加你家的转售价值。Natural stone flooring will virtually always increase your home's resale value.

高档轿车和越野车仍然是再售价中的鳌头。Still, high-end cars and SUVs are generally leaders when it comes to resale value.

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我收藏这封情书已有七年的时间了,我是个商人,她应该知道这些情书还会被出售。I've had them seven years and I'm a businesswoman and she knew they were for resale.

寄销商店、转售商店、和互助商店之间有什么区别呢?What is the difference between a consignment store, a resale store, and a thrift shop?

硕士转售权利和迷你网站所有最新电子书,软件和营销工具。Master Resale Rights and Mini Site for the latest e-books, software and marketing tools.

此外,该公司采购转售天然气,原油,凝析油和液化天然气量。In addition, it purchases natural gas, crude oil, condensate, and NGL volumes for resale.

无道德的鸟类经营商人会抓回一些鸟,然后卖给适当意义上的归皈者。Unscrupulous bird dealers would recapture such birds for resale to well meaning devotees.

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两头的顾客不用支付其它额外的费用,一头是转售球票的卖家,一头是买家。Consumers at both ends—those listing tickets for resale and buyers—pay no additional charges.

正厂为避免通路内自我品牌发生价格竞争,通常采用限制转售价格的方略。To avoid interbrand competition, the name brands usually use the resale price maintenance strategy.

用于企业经营而非再销售给客户的企业长期使用的资产。Long-lived assets that are acquired for use in business operations rather than for resale to customers.

队中老中青齐备,内地人和南亚裔都有,有市民明言会购入数十部转卖获利。The team of all ready, the mainland and South Asians have, people say will buy dozens of resale profit.

只有当皮革、颜色和镶嵌钻石的黄金配件都不常见,铂金包转手时才容易卖出高价。Less common leathers, colors, and gold hardware garnished with diamonds tend to add to the resale value.

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一条很好的而且很便宜的拥抱绿色的方法就是,在给孩子买衣服的时候到二手店去买那些旧的婴儿衣服。A great and inexpensive way to go green for clothing is to shop resale shops for already worn baby clothes.

比如,凯斯席勒房价指数中房屋转售价格已经成为美国房屋价格的基准。The Case-Shiller Index of home resale prices, for instance, has become the benchmark for U.S. house prices.

这些印章表明这些书籍是专为第一书市提供的版本,不得转售或回收。These medallions will identify the book as a First Book Marketplace premium edition, not for resale or return.