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铝压铸外壳,硅橡胶密封圈,钢化玻璃。Die cast aluminum housing, Silastic ring, Tempered glass.

同时,主要由硅橡胶制作的胸罩呈细网结构。The bra produced mainly with silastic has fine netted structure.

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耐热硅橡胶密封圈,不易老化。Heatproof silastic sealed ring, non-aging and good sealing property.

了坚实的硅橡胶植入物插入有根据的大小,病人的胸部。A solid silastic implant is inserted there according to the size of the patient's chest.

我司专业生产硅橡胶,现有多种产品制作,从工业用品到家庭用品。Now we produce a variety of silastic products including industrial supplies and household items.

通过能谱分析,探索了表面积污向材质内部迁移的可能性。The possibility of surface contamination moving inside silastic is studied via energy spectrum analysis.

我司专门从事硅橡胶产品,包括模具的的设计制造,提供一条龙服务!We specializing in Silastic products, including the design and manufacture of components, providing one-stop services!

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其研制过程是将包绕有聚酯网的硅胶棒埋入羊的皮下组织,再将形成的经聚酯网为支架的胶原管经醛化处理。Polyester mesh-supported collagen tubes grown in the subcutaneous tissue of sheep around Silastic mandrils were tanned in glutaradehyde.

提出了一种以最少的试验和费用,快速而准确地预测硅橡胶贮存寿命的新方法。The paper has put forward a new method for quickly and accurately predicting the shelf life of silastic with the least experiments and cost.

硅橡胶制品、缘材料、料制品、金制品、子产品、制品的加工及模具制作。Silastic products, insulation materials, plastic products, metal products, electronic products, paper products processing and canning produce.

目的确定兔腰神经根的解剖位置及硅胶管在椎间管内压迫神经根的程度。Objective To investigate the anatomic lumbar nerve root localization and to measure the degree of compression induced by silastic tube implantation in rats.

本文的试验采用国产铝基碳化硅材料,复制了硅橡胶正交栅,在350℃及其以下的温度环境中试验结果较理想。Aluminium- carborundum is applied in the test. Silastic grating is copied on the te st specimen. The test result is ideal while temperature is not higher than 350 ℃.

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为了增加裂层植皮成功率,其中有三位病患利用矽质片覆盖于裂层植皮上,并用缝线固定二周。To improve the survival of the skin graft, silastic sheets were applied on the graft and fixed in the through and through suture fashion in three patients for 2 weeks.

复杂性眼窝爆破性骨折可包含大片眼窝底板骨折,也可包含贰或三面眼窝壁之骨折。Complicated orbital blowout fractures, which have either large floor fractures or multi-wall fractures, are difficult to reconstruct with traditional soft implants such as silastic implants.