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这里的同半透明。Here's with translucency.

半透明或许是更合适的措词。Translucency might be a better term.

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因此如何与半透明?So how does this related to translucency ?

另一个例子是叶薄半透明。Leaves are another good example of thin translucency.

半透明和可塑性性能也很好。Translucency and malleability properties are also good.

半透明资料将会以一位元的透明遮罩来模拟。The translucency data will be approximated with a 1-bit transparency mask.

韧性高,透明度好,适用于透明格栅及其它普通模塑格栅。Good translucency and tenacity, suitable for lucency grid or common molding grid.

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晚上,因为采用半透明材料,展览馆开始变得绚丽夺目,非常漂亮。At night, the pavilion starts to glow because of this translucency. It's very beautiful.

你可以在工具栏中加入半透明的效果,前提是这样做能优化你的应用程序的外观。If it complements the look of your application, you can add translucency to the toolbar.

在半透明中加入另一个创建出的灰度图像来产生树叶中的半透明效果。Add another created grayscale image in the Translucent for translucency effect in the leaf.

那么,这些现象是半透明多少超越你天天朗伯漫。Well, Translucency is one of those phenomenon that goes a bit beyond your everyday Lambertian diffuse.

黑塞喜欢不规则形状和曲面,这些材料生产的,也是半透明。Hesse loved the irregular shapes and surfaces that these materials produced, and also the translucency.

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我把漫射纹理复制到半透明处,并调整了小部分,得到一个很好的平衡。I copied the diffuse texture into the Translucency slot, and tuned the fraction level to achieve a good balance.

在那以后,我更好地得到透明度和半透明模拟运行工作,因此看到了游戏中预期的水和树阴影的显示。After that, I worked on getting transparency and translucency better, so the water and the tree shadows looked as expected.

不同的开口对日光进行过滤,丰富了内部空间的层次,带来了奇妙的光影效果。Different openings filter the daylight in such way that the internal space are enriched by gradations and translucency nuances.

粉红白有效柔嫩肌肤,粉蓝白显著修正黯沉与黄斑,哑光白则赋予肌肤无瑕净透的迷人光泽。The pink white freshens, the blue white corrects yellow undertones, while the matte white brings a veil of radiance and translucency.

方法于孕11-14周测量胎儿颈项透明层厚度,并随诊观察。Methods Fetal nuchal translucency thickness was measured between 11-14 weeks of gestation with serial follow-up ultrasound examinations.

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材质在UE4中进一步改进,除了给树叶和葡萄增加了半透明度外,树叶还添加了颜色变化。The material is further developed in UE4 adding translucency to leaves and grapes and a node that gives a color variation to the leaves.

在胎儿与正常数目的染色体,一个较厚的颈部半透明是与其他胎儿缺陷和遗传综合徵。In foetuses with a normal number of chromosomes, a thicker nuchal translucency is associated with other fetal defects and genetic syndromes.

特润嫩白修护露能日夜复修皮肤,防止黑点、雀斑、细纹和皱纹,令肌肤看来有光泽透明感。Works day & night to repair skin's appearance Prevents dark spots, freckles, fine lines & wrinkles Leaves skin with a renewed translucency finish.