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我的睫毛膏哪儿去了。Where do I put my mascara?

在地铁上,我涂上了睫毛膏。On the train, I applied mascara.

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也公开了睫毛油组合物。There is also a mascara composition.

你们有卖浓稠式睫毛膏吗?Do you have a good thickening mascara?

明亮的灯光也许会消退睫毛膏。Bright lights can make mascara run, too!

在随波逐流里面,我没涂睫毛膏。I didn't wear mascara in Just Go WithIt.

我向您推荐这种迷你刷头的睫毛膏。I recommend this mini-brush mascara to you.

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这个睫毛膏真是太棒了。This Rimmel Maxxxx Effect mascara is fantastic.

在下眼睑和睫毛上涂眼线膏和睫毛膏Applying Eyeliner and Mascara on Lower Lids and Lashes

我们也有一些助长睫毛的睫毛膏。We also have mascara designed to lengthen the eyelashes.

为什么女人涂睫毛膏的时候不会闭上嘴?Why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed?

别涂100层睫毛膏来突显浅蓝色。Don't highlight your baby blues with 100 coats of mascara.

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如果眼睫毛非常稀薄的话,再涂上一层厚厚的睫毛膏。If your lashes are very light, add a coat of black mascara.

女人闭上了眼睛,睫毛油化开了。The woman's eyelids were closed and her mascara was melting.

她凝望着他,睫毛膏模糊在眼角,脸颊上有泪。She stared at him, her mascara smeared, tears upon her cheeks.

用同一只睫毛膏刷第二次,然后停一会,等它凝固。Do a second coat with the same mascara and let set for a minute.

染睫毛油可以使眼睛显得大、睫毛显得长、密。Mascara makes the eyes look large and lashes appear long, dense.

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最重要的建议是决不能用睫毛膏涂你的下眼线。Top tips include never applying mascara to your lower lash line.

我的眼睛因为哭过有些浮肿,睫毛膏流到了脸颊上。My eyes were puffy from crying and mascara had run down my cheeks.

当你爱上一个已婚男人的时候,你就不应该再涂染眉膏了。When you're in love with a married man, you shouldn't wear mascara.