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教师的教学是否具有可懂性是衡量教师教学水平的重要标准之一。The understandability of teaching is an important standard for measuring the teaching level.

代码是否好理解取决于是否能在未来维护它。The understandability of your code ultimately determines whether it can be maintained in the future.

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体系结构和设计的复用在编码、维护、培训和易于理解这几个方面均带来了显著的功效。Reuse of architecture and design provides significant efficiencies in coding, maintenance, training, and understandability.

额外的错误处理不仅使代码更加健壮,它还提高代码的可读性,使代码更容易理解。Not only does the additional error handling make the code more robust, but it also helps with readability and understandability.

多媒体教学形象生动、直观易懂,特别适合动物生理学等理论性强、理论抽象的学科教学。The method is fit to the teaching on the nonfigurative subject such as the zoophysiology because it is visualize and lifelikeness and understandability.

通过编制地质图及建立数据库,对编图理论、编图方法、数据库技术等有了更深入的认识和理解。After building the geological map database, the author has improved the understandability of the mapping method, mapping theory, and database technology.

暗喻的理解难度介于二者之间,所以使用频率也介乎其间。The understandability of metaphor is between that of simile and metonymy, so it is adopted less frequently than simile and more frequently than metonymy.

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为了得到软件可理解性度量的单一表示,提出了基于软件可理解性结构的模糊度量方法。To obtain an integrated presentation of software understandability , a new measurement method of software understandability by using fuzzy logic is proposed.

该模型可以在一定程度上提高人工神经网络的时效性、知识表达的可理解性,并能增强人工神经网络的功能。Study shows that the model can improve time-efficiency, knowledge expression understandability and the functions of the artificial neural network to some extent.

为了使序列图更易理解,我引入了一般的用例控制器对象来为消费者参与者收到的信息提供中介。To improve understandability of the sequence diagram, I introduced a generic use case controller object to mediate the messages received by the human customer actor.

实现自然语言中地理命名实体识别不仅能够丰富GIS的信息来源,而且能够提升GIS的表达能力和可理解性。Geographical entity recognition of natural languages can enrich the information resource of GISs and improve their capability of representation and understandability.

如果方法过长,不能在一个窗口中一次看完,那么它就变得不容易理解,因为您不能快速地从头到尾了解它的整个思路。When a method is too long to be viewed all at once in a window, it decreases in understandability because you can't quickly follow its entire flow from beginning to end.

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可理解性是基于信息使用者角度提出的要求,所提供的会计信息的表现形式或使用术语要能够被信息使用者理解。Understandability is based on the Angle of information users request, form or use of accounting information provided by the terms to be able to be information users to understand.

事故树分析法具有直观、易懂和灵活的特点,为油库的安全可靠性评价提供了一种新的科学可行的方法。Fault tree analysis method has the features of intuition, understandability and flexibility, provides a new scientific and feasible method for assessing safety and reliability of oil depot.