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摆上一个鞍马和蹦床。Get a vaulting horse and a trampoline.

横亘海上,草原的梦土Vaulting the sea, the prairies' dreaming sod

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撑杆跳高的杆是什么材质?What are the poles made of in pole vaulting?

事实证明那是唯德金过于自信的雄心的顶点。That proved to be the high point of Mr Wiedeking’s vaulting ambition.

正在施工的垂着的工人拱顶中央形成了一个天秤的形状。Rappelling workers lend a sense of scale to the church's central nave vaulting.

这种过分地给予称号的感觉已经不复存在,即使队员中的大部分人来自上一届世界杯。The sense of vaulting entitlement is gone, even if much of the squad is the same.

目的观察电针为主治疗股后肌群拉伤的效果。Objective To observe the effect of hamstring muscle injury treated by pole vaulting.

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麦凯恩的民意支持率在共和党全国代表大会召开后获得可观”反弹”,占据了领先地位。Post-convention polls gave Mr McCain a sizeable “bounce”, vaulting him into the lead.

拱顶的建造主体采用快凝石膏灰浆,并在边缘采用泥瓦。The vaulting method used relies on fast-setting gypsum mortar and earth tiles laid on edge.

对抗他的85岁高龄的同时也对抗着地心引力,卡罗·约翰斯顿在加州的核桃市练习撑杆跳。Defying his 85 years as well as gravity, Carol Johnston practices pole vaulting in Walnut, California.

在闭着的双目后,魁刚想象着他能感受到飞船穿越行星的速度。Behind his closed lids, Qui-Gon imagined he could feel the speed of the ship vaulting through the stars.

另外,在以上分析的基础上,本文介绍了一种常用于水闸基础的“锅底形”底板并以此来解决上述问题。Finally, a new raft foundation called "inverted vaulting raft" used to solve the above problem was introduced.

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本文分析了练跳马时的恐惧心理,并提出了排除练跳马时的恐惧心理的具体方法。This paper analyses the nervousness in horse vaulting drills and offers practical methods of easing the nervousness.

另外在以上分析的基础上介绍了一种常用于水闸基础的“锅底形”底板并以此来解决上述问题。At the end, this paper introduces a new raft foundation called "inverted vaulting raft" used to solve the above problem.

把天花板做成拱顶是山西房屋的另一个主要特点,这样就不需要用支撑横梁,并可以扩大室内的空间。Vaulting the ceilings, another key feature of Shansi houses, eliminates need for support beams and opens interior space.

女子竞技体操的跳马是横马,由马身、马腿和底座组成。The female athletics gymnastics vaulting horse is the horizontal horse, by Ma Shen, Ma Tui and the foundation is composed.

在时间方面,跳跳箱时的缓冲时间和蹬伸时间都明显大于跳远的缓冲时间和蹬伸时间。In time aspect, vaulting box, in the cushion time and the pedal extend in the time obviously to be bigger than the long jump.

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第二项跳马比赛,动作完成得比较顺利,但起评分较低,只得14.65分。The second item of vaulting horse competition, the movement completes quite smoothly, but grading is low, have to 14.65 points.

由于教堂中堂的宽度较以往增大,悬垂拱顶以悬垂体解决了在石制天花板中使用扇形拱顶的困难。In stone ceilings the use of pendant vaulting was a solution to the difficulty of adapting fan vaulting to very wide church naves.

碧蓝的天空衬托着林阴大道上那些树木光秃秃的圆顶,树顶下面的残雪像无数水晶碎片熠熠闪光。The bare vaulting of trees along the Mall was ceiled with lapis lazuli, and arched above snow that shone like splintered crystals.