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他是一只老狐狸。He is an old fox.

他是个狡猾的老狐狸。He's a sly old fox.

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狐狸会干那事吗?Would a fox do that?

他是个老谋深算的老狐狸。He is a wily old fox.

他们挖地逼出那只狐狸。They dug out the fox.

一件蓬松的红狐皮大衣。A shaggy red fox coat.

狗追狐狸到其巢穴。The fox elude the dog.

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这只狐狸有一个难题。The fox has a problem.

他像狐狸一样还耍花招。He's as snaky as a fox.

他是诡计多端的老狐狸。He’s a cunning old fox.

狐狸当发令员。The Fox is the starter.

有只狐狸在鸡窝里!A fox is in the hen house!

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福克斯新闻害你变成脑残了。Fox news makes you stupid.

狐狸想了又想。The Fox thinks and thinks.

狐狸尾巴是藏不住的。A fox cannot hide its tail.

小狐狸看了看食谱,“曲奇饼的食谱看起来很简单嘛。”Fox looked at his cookbook.

小狐狸看着自己的画儿。Fox looked at his painting.

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左图是一坨狐狸的大便。Pictured left is a fox turd.

引诱狐狸出了洞。The fox ran out of his hole.

就这样,狐狸借着老虎在百兽面前威风了一次。Thus the fox used the tiger.