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冠军挑战者垮过绳圈进入拳击台。The challenger climbed into the ring.

查林杰教授有一个巨大的脑袋。Professor Challenger had an enormous head.

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但这是一个它们从未见过的挑战者。But this is a challenger they've never seen.

查林杰教授看着我,微笑着。Professor Challenger looked at me. He was smiling.

这名冠军挑战者曾两次被击倒,但最后赢了比赛。The challenger was dumped twice but won the fight.

“挑战者”号突然腾起,笨拙地沿着发射塔上升。Challenger broke free, lumbered past the launch tower.

爆炸把“挑战者”号炸得粉碎。The explosion smashed the space shuttle Challenger up.

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这位冠军在第二回合把挑战者击倒。The champion decked the challenger in the second round.

这位冠军在第四回合把挑战者击倒在地。The champion dropped the challenger in the fourth round.

一名最优秀的挑战者,所具备的汽车驾控能力应该是怎么样的?What is the car drive ability for the best urban challenger?

拉利亚·奥廷加是此次选举中肯雅塔的主要挑战者。Ralia Odinga was Kenyatta's main challenger in this election.

此后不久,英国著名的“挑战者”号舰艇对海底的那次考察。Shortly after this the famous H. M. S. Challenger expedition.

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比方说你是一个新来的女孩,被分进了“挑战者”家庭,那么你就要和这个家庭的所有成员同睡一屋。Let us say you are a new female assigned to Challenger family.

最终挑战者成功地游过了英吉利海峡。The challenger succeeded in swimming across the Channel at last.

上世纪80年代,日本成为美国霸主地位的最新挑拨者。In the 1980s- Japan took over as new challenger to American supremacy.

报纸上有一些关于查林杰教授的文章。There were many articles about Professor Challenger in these newspapers.

接力赛只适用于参加终极全征之机构队伍。Relay is applicable to Corporate Teams in Challenger – Whole Course only.

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之前只有在英国挑战者2型主战坦克上使用这种口径膛线炮。A rifled gun of such caliber is used only on the British Challenger 2 MBT.

张廉吉教授引述一句他在地质学教科书偶然看到的句子。Challenger quoted a sentence he said he came across in a geology textbook.

但是在查林杰海渊发现的这些有孔虫却没有这种甲壳。But these shells are absent from the foraminifera found in Challenger Deep.