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我是近视眼,还是远视眼?Am I myopic, or presbyopic ?

老花眼可以治疗吗?。Presbyopic can be you treated?

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假近视戴老花镜恢复得视力不?Does false myopia wear presbyopic glasses to restore to get vision not?

陈列着以前文人们用过的各式各样的老花镜。Types of presbyopic glasses used by scholars are exhibited in the museum.

那个老人看报纸的时候常常戴着一副老花镜。The old man often wears a pair of presbyopic glasses when he reads newspaper.

我一个远视一个近视做近视的激光手术会影响远视眼吗?Can a laser operation that myopia becomes myopia affect my long sight presbyopic ?

但是形形色色、五彩的网页,带着老花镜的您是否能轻松操作?But mixed, multicoloured webpage, taking presbyopic glasses whether can be you operated easily?

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每天花15分钟做这些练习,能够有效预防老花眼和白内障。Every smallpox does these exercises 15 minutes, can prevent effectively presbyopic with cataract.

古时候人们没有眼镜那万一得了近视眼或者老花眼怎么办呢?In ancient time doesn't people have glasses that in case got myopia presbyopic perhaps how to do?

若包括白内障、老花眼等弱视群体,这个数目还要大得多。If include cataract, presbyopic wait for amblyopia group, this amount is gotten greatly even much.

老花眼眼睛不能光把重点放在附近的一个对象,创建一个模糊的物体附近的气象。The presbyopic eye is unable to focus light from a near object, creating a blurred image of near objects.

我近视500度,怎样才能在家进行简单的治疗。戴老花镜科学吗?I am myopic 500 degrees, how does ability have simple treatment in the home. Wear presbyopic glasses science?

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随着我国人口的增长,无论在数量和年龄,渴望隐形眼镜逐年增加老花眼患者人数。As our population grows, both in number and age, the number of presbyopic patients desiring contact lenses increases with each passing year.

记者发现,前来看房的人中,戴着老花镜、和老伴一起问长问短的老年夫妇随处可见。The reporters found that the people who came to house, wearing presbyopic glasses, and his wife together make detailed inquiry elderly couples everywhere.

广州市大新光电珠宝有限公司成立于1992年,是一家专业生产太阳眼镜、安全眼镜和老花眼镜的国际性眼镜生产厂家和出口商。Was founded in 1992, is a professional manufacturer of sunglasses, safety glasses, and presbyopic glasses glasses of international manufacturers and exporters.

十三世纪末,欧洲发明了可矫正视力的老花眼镜,稍后发明了近视眼镜。Europeans invented the presbyopic glasses in the 13th century, which used to help people to rectify their vision. Subsequently, they invented the myopia glasses.

在厨房,与黄色调相配的是自己组装的原木案台,而盥洗室用了蓝色拼花镜面做亮点。In the kitchen, what match with maize phase modulation is the log desk desk that he assemble, and washroom used blue to spell presbyopic glasses face to make window.