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库页岛居民发现了在浅水湾渔场的抛弃垃圾的痕迹。Sakhalin islanders discover debris dumped in shallow bay fisheries.

日俄战争后,日本占领俄国库页岛南部。After the Russo-Japanese War, Japan's occupation of southern Sakhalin in Russia.

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中国明朝时将此岛称作苦夷岛,后来才转音变为库页岛。China's Ming dynasty, this island known as the bitter Yi Island, then turn the sound into Sakhalin.

你们日本人难道不记得1875年俄罗斯曾经给过你们这些岛屿为了交换萨哈林岛吗?Do you japanese people remember that Russia gave you those islands in 1875 in exchange for Sakhalin?

不管是哪种,如同库页岛项目所证实的,克里姆林宫明显认为就算无视外交谨慎,自己也玩得起。Either way, as Sakhalin proves, the Kremlin evidently feels it can afford to dispense with the niceties.

项目的内部人员泄露出一些新图片,揭发该项目已经严重违反了俄罗斯法律。New photographs leaked to Sakhalin Environment Watch by project-insiders reveal gross violations of Russian law.

曾经在中国的元朝进行统治的蒙古人是他们早期的君王,这些蒙古人向着黑龙江河口起航,一直到达了库页岛。Their early overlords, the Mongols, ruling China as the Yuan dynasty, sailed to the Amur’s mouth and crossed to Sakhalin.

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他进行了阿穆尔河的田野调查和萨哈林海岛办事处作为杰塞普北太平洋探险的一部分。He carried out ethnographic fieldwork on the Amur River and Sakhalin Island as part of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition.

萨哈林岛大陆架东北部水域的碳氢化合物含量远远高于可接受的含量。In the north-eastern part of the Sakhalin Shelf, the content of aliphatic hydrocarbons is much higher than the acceptable.

日本首相麻生太郎访问俄罗斯萨哈林岛,讨论开设天然气工厂。Taro Aso, Japan's prime minister, visited the Russian island of Sakhalin for the opening of a liquefied natural-gas plant.

日本首相麻生太郎访问俄罗斯萨哈林岛,讨论开设天然气工厂。Taro Aso, Japan’s prime minister, visited the Russian island of Sakhalin for the opening of a liquefied natural-gas plant.

普利摩斯克在苏联战败后宣布独立,并且从日本手里接收了库页和千岛。Primorsk proclaimed its independence after the Soviet defeat, and received Sakhalin and Kurils islands after Japanese defeat.

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这一海峡也被称为拉彼鲁兹海峡,它把俄罗斯萨哈林岛与日本北海道最北段分隔开来。The channel, also known as La Perouse, separates the Russian island of Sakhalin and the northernmost Japanese island of Hokkaido.

斯特罗加诺夫副州长表示,萨哈林州高度重视对华合作,中国是萨哈林州主要贸易伙伴之一。Stroganov noted that Sakhalin attaches great importance to cooperating with China which is one of Sakhalin's major trade partners.

19世纪早期的时候,从遥远的库页岛来的当地人仍然给住在支流的满族人送来贡品。As late as the early 19th century natives from as far away as Sakhalin were still bringing tribute to the Manchus on the lower river.

现客户遍及俄罗斯的滨海边疆区、哈巴罗夫斯克边疆区、萨哈林地区、勘察加半岛及马加丹等地区。Now serves customers in Russia's Primorsky Territory and Khabarovsk Territory, Sakhalin region, Kamchatka and Magadan regions, and so on.

从西线要连结西西伯利亚、东西伯利亚、一直到远东萨哈林外海大陆棚。The former is supposed to use resources of Western Siberia and the second Eastern Siberia, Far East and Sakhalin Shelf off Sakhalin Island.

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看看这精细的设计,靴筒顶端那鲜明的红圈。我想它是生活在库页岛上的阿伊努人制作的。Looking at these delicate designs, beautiful, vivid red that was surrounding the top of the boots I think they are made by the Sakhalin Ainu.

东库页岛洋流将冷水引向日本,促成了知床半岛最南端的冬季海冰。The East Sakhalin Current draws cold water down toward Japan, helping make the Shiretoko Peninsula the southernmost spot with winter sea ice.

我实验性地辨识这只鸟为库页岛柳莺,是根据它还算绿的腰部和尾羽,而且它也有悬勾子般粉红色的脚。I identified that bird tentatively as Sakhalin on the basis of it having a rather green rump and tail and it also having rather raspberry-pink legs.