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投弹手?它会放炸弹还是怎么的?Bombardier? He releases bomb or some sort?

庞巴迪发言人说,尚未与中国商用飞机有限责任公司签订最后协议。No definitive agreement with Comac has been signed yet, a Bombardier spokeswoman said.

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执行美国首次原子弹轰炸任务的投弹手在家中突然去世。The US bombardier who dropped the first atomic bomb has died at home after a brief illness.

边高级阙非,多边机构庞巴迪德案中案。Q is "the" edge of a high-level, multilateral institutions, Bombardier support the voir dire.

小型飞机制造商,庞巴迪和巴西航空工业,也已涉足中国市场。Manufacturers of smaller aircraft, Bombardier and Embraer, have also established a presence in China.

庞巴迪已经表示虽然目前没有决定性的合同签署,但相关计划正在筹备中。Bombardier has said that while no definitive agreements have been made yet, the plans are progressing.

在二战中投下另一颗原子弹的投弹手科密特·比罕于1989年去世。The only other man who has dropped a nuclear bomb in war, Nagasaki bombardier Kermit Beahan, died in 1989.

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但是庞巴迪公司现在和波音宣称,空客公司的发动机升级计划没有商业意义。But Bombardier now has Boeing at its side, claiming that Airbus’s engine plan does not make financial sense.

中国北车集团提出的交易价格是最低的,差不多只是加拿大交通运输巨头庞巴迪公司投标价格的一半。CNR proposed the cheapest deal, which was almost half the tender price of Canadian transport giant Bombardier.

2010年6月26日,中国国家主席胡锦涛在加拿大多伦多参观庞巴迪飞机制造厂。On June 26, 2010, Chinese President Hu Jintao visited the aircraft factory of Bombardier Inc. in Toronto, Canada.

2004年11月,一架庞巴迪CRJ-200在天气状况良好的情况下,起飞后不久就坠毁在内蒙古一个结冰的湖里,导致54人丧生。In November 2004, a Bombardier CRJ-200 plunged into an ice-covered lake seconds after taking off in good weather, killing 54. Mr.

但是在项目启动的先期阶段,庞巴迪已经与不止一个客户谈及要求确定50-100架的订单。But in the run-up to the launch, Bombardier had talked of a requirement for firm orders for 50-100 aircraft, from more than one customer.

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庞巴迪中国的张先生表示文化,语言和商业习惯上的差异会带来交流理解上的误会。Bombardier China's Zhang says miscommunication and misunderstandings can result from a difference in culture, language and business practices.

系列开始发放110和130模型时,庞巴迪表示并不急于对该机型开发更多的改型。Having launched the initial CSeries 110 and 130 models, Bombardier says it is in no hurry to look at the possible introduction of larger variants.

机翼将由庞巴迪贝尔法斯特来研发生产,后机身和驾驶舱段将由圣劳伦特负责。The wings will be developed and manufactured by Bombardier in Belfast, while the aft-fuselage and cockpit section will be produced in Saint Laurent.

但专家表示,ARJ21可能和境外最先进的加拿大Bombardier和巴西Embraer机型有激烈的时间竞争。But experts said the ARJ21 could have a tough time competing outside China against cutting-edge models from Canada's Bombardier and Brazil's Embraer.

庞巴迪中国总裁张建伟表示,建设预计于年底完成,明年开始投产。Construction is expected to be completed by the end of this year, with production beginning next year, says Bombardier China's president Jianwei Zhang.

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工程设计将在青岛以及庞巴迪欧洲的研发中心完成,项目管理及零部件供应将在欧洲及中国的制造基地完成。Engineering will take place in Qingdao and at Bombardier centers in Europe with project management and components provided from sites in Europe and China.

已经运转了六个月,目前正在进行空客A320飞机、庞巴迪CRJ飞机和冲8飞机起落架和液压部件的大修。This has been running for the past six months and currently is overhauling landing gear and hydraulic components from Airbus A320s, Bombardier CRJs and Dash 8s.

庞巴迪拥有三十年的经验,已经为全球25个国家的50位客户提供了五百多个计算机控制的连锁系统。Building on nearly 30 years of experience, Bombardier has delivered more than 500 computer-based interlocking systems to 50 customers in 25 countries around the world.