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目前原核注射工作仍在紧张进行中。The microinjection work is still going on.

注射法是当今构建转基因动物模型的主要方法。Microinjection is a key method to animal gene transfer.

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单独用利多卡因阻断双侧红核或中缝大核对痛阈无影响。The pain threshold was not influenced by microinjection of lidocaine into NRM or RN.

微量注射谷氨酸钠于此区,膈肌活动也受到抑制。Microinjection of L-glutamate into VMNHalso produced an inhibition of diaphragmatic activities.

研究了移植方法和培养液对显微注射法生产转基因小鼠的影响。The production of transgenic mice by pronuclear microinjection was influenced by a lot of factors.

延髓头端腹外侧区注射一氧化氮供体SNAP对假手术和慢性心力衰竭大鼠的心交感传入反射的影响。Effects of microinjection of SNAP, a nitric oxide donor, into the RVLM on the CSAR in sham and CHF rats.

用基因打靶技术制备乳腺生物反应器,克服了显微注射法的众多缺陷。Producing mammary gland bioreactor using gene targeting shows great advantage over pronuclear microinjection.

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目前,水产动物转基因的方法主要是显微注射和精子介导-电脉冲法。Twotechniques of gene transfer including microinjection and electroporation have been applied to aquaculture.

本论文是上述微流体数字化技术在细胞显微注射技术上的实验研究。In this paper, the applied research of cell microinjection is based on the micro-fluidic digital technology above.

随着生物技术的发展,细胞微注射技术在细胞操作方面得到广泛的应用。With the development of biotechnology, cell microinjection technology has been widely applied in the field of cell operation.

随着生物技术的发展,显微注射技术在细胞操作方面得到了广泛的应用。With the development of biotechnology, the technology of microinjection has been widely applied in the area of cell manipulation.

其中,结合本实验室的情况,重点介绍了胚盘直接注射法。Furthermore, combining information of our research, it is emphatically introduced about microinjection into chicken, s blastoderm.

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选用较低的基因浓度,良好的操作介质CZB,使用质量好的受精卵,会提高显微注射的效率。Lower concentration of the microinjected DNA, choosing CZB and zygotes with good quality can enhance efficiency of microinjection.

目的观察基底外侧杏仁核内注射吗啡和纳络酮对大鼠睡眠的影响。Objective To investigate the effects of microinjection of morphine and naloxone into basolateral amygdaloid nucleus on sleep of rat.

为进一步深入研究NR5A2的生理功能,本研究通过原核显微注射法构建nr5a2转基因小鼠。To facilitate the further functional studies of NR5A2, we plan to establish a nr5α2 transgenic mouse by using pronucleus microinjection.

目的观察基底外侧杏仁核内注射戊巴比妥钠对睡眠和行为的影响。Objective To investigate the effects of microinjection of pentobarbital sodium into basolateral amygdaloid nucleus on sleep and behavior.

气压电控式DNA微注射量单因素控制方案中存在准确性较差的问题。The single-factor controlling accuracy of the DNA microinjection volume by a pneutronic controller has been limited and needs improvement.

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于蓝斑复合核区内微量注射P物质抗血清,使血压降低,心率减慢。Microinjection of SP antiserum into the Lc-Sc of the rabbits resulted in a marked decrease in blood pressure and heart rate of the rabbits.

显微注射技术本身固有的缺点在很大程度上限制了转基因动物的研究及应用。To the great extent, the study and application of transgenic animal are restricted by the inherent limitation of pronuclear microinjection.

在NTS区单独注射H_1或H_2受体阻断剂对呼吸频率和膈神经放电积分幅度均无影响。Microinjection of H_1 or H_2 blocker alone into the NTS did not affect thenormal spontaneous respiratory frequency and phrenic nerve firing.