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冰过的七喜,饰以莱姆片。Garnish with a lime slice.

装饰菜盘的意思是?To garnish a dish, means to?

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配菜同分一杯羹的石灰。Garnish with a slice of lime.

装饰用的柠檬片或青柠片Lemon or lime slice to garnish

丁香花最好是用作配菜。Lilac is best used as a garnish.

出品所用的装饰水果是干的。When fruit garnish is dried out.

用芫荽或欧芹和樱桃装饰。Garnish with coriander and cherry.

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加一片薄荷叶装饰即可享用。Garnish with mint leave and serve.

用百里香束做好装饰。Garnish with the bunches of thyme.

可以单独食用或与装饰菜同食。It can be eaten alone or with garnish.

用碟盛起,并以鲜橙片伴碟。Dish up and garnish with orange slices.

最后盛盘,并用豆芽菜和柠檬装饰一旁。Garnish with bean sprouts and lemon wedges.

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取出上碟,并以柠檬角伴碟即成。Remove to plate, garnish with lemon wedges and serve.

由于是自由职业者,他是没有固定薪水的。Since he is self-employed, he has no wages to garnish.

饰以莱姆皮或置入螺旋状莱姆皮。Garnish by floating a lime slice or drop in a lime twist.

过滤,倒入一个鸡尾酒杯中,用椰蓉装饰。Serve in a cocktail glass and garnish with coconut flakes.

也可以把新鲜的叶子用作肉,鱼,洋葱等菜的配料。Serve fresh as garnish with meat , fish , and onion dishes.

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可以在出盘前撒上巧克力屑装饰。If you like, garnish with chocolate shavings before serving.

在烤好的比萨上撒上香菜,挤柠檬汁。Garnish the pizza with minced cilantro and a squeeze of lime.

把蒜容蛋黄酱盛在四个碗里摆在旁边,趁热沾酱食用。Garnish with parsley. Serve warm, with the aioli on the side.